MXed Up – IOTW Report

MXed Up

Harbqll gives a teacher’s “letter to the parents” the red pencil treatment.

Here’s the backstory

40 Comments on MXed Up

  1. Gender neutral terms like “coach”? How about “teacher”? “Clown”? “Jackass”? And to say the teacher isn’t advocating a particular agenda is a crock–denial of reality IS an agenda, and expecting others to conform to your subjective reality IS ALSO an agenda.

  2. I’d yank my kid out of that classroom and away from that crazy bitch like YESTERDAY.
    She enjoys coloring? So did I. When I was 5 years old. Another permanently juvenile, arrested development leftist.

  3. She prefers to be referred to with gender-neutral pronouns “they, them, their” but that’s the plural. Wouldn’t proper English be “it” as in “It should put the lotion on its skin.”

  4. They’re not going to stop and will keep pushing the envelope further. If millions of parents take their kids out of public school they can’t do a DAMN thing about it. How many straws will it take to break the camel’s back?

  5. Someone hired this person. The intention must have been that the school will force this on society whether you like it or not.
    Next time pay a little attention on who you vote into office.

  6. Wake up to the new reality.

    It is now becoming common practice in academia to include preferred title and pronouns on business cards. The assumption is that we will remember all the possible combinations for everyone we meet, lest we be expelled or fired.

    Congress can put a stop to all this (well, maybe slow it down) by clarifying the definitions in Title IX, or just tossing it altogether.

  7. 1) The Principal couldn’t even use the requested pronouns (“We support her preference in how she’s addressed, we certainly do,” Lambert said. Instead of “We support their preference in how they’re addressed”).
    2) Picking a plural pronoun automatically suggests multiple personality disorder. Way to go Canopy Oaks, you got a two-fer-one deal. That explains the ability to teach both math and science classes.
    3) The Mx needs a fix. If “they” can’t figure out how to be one person how can “they” expect anyone else, adults included.

    Gee, I wonder who is teaching today?
    Person-in-their-head-A or Person-in-their-head B?

    Congratulations, you’ve just permanently screwed up the minds of a lot of children.

    And the creme-de-la-creme: If one liberal complains about a creche or flag or whatever it must be immediately removed.
    Yet if hundreds of legitimately concerned parents complain about a crazy person teaching then “it’s not a preference that’s being applied to anyone other than the teacher”.
    Force them to live by their own rules, since so many have complained then they have no choice but to let the teacher go.

  8. I went to the link provided by F.N. Idiot (thank you F.N.I.).
    Below the “Photo Coming Soon” is a “website” link that takes you over to the teachers webpage.
    The title is Ms. Chloe Bressack. The school can’t even get it right.
    Way to support your teacher Canopy Oaks & Mr Paul Lambert.

  9. They only time using a plural to address an individual would be if that person was either possessed by demons or had a split personality (which I don’t think is diagnosed as often anymore).

  10. Well done! And might I add that a teaching certificate be withheld until a mastery of English and composition be demonstrated sufficient to teach anything?
    Indulge the luxury of radical social engineering on your own time, dime, and bailiwick. The classroom does not comprise not any of these.

    My stock comment on these stories is now “We’d all living in a Kurt Schlichter prequel”. We just haven’t all realized it yet

  11. Hmmm. Maybe she’s just very young and foolish. Her Facebook pictures show a girl with a loving family, friends, and possibly a wedding picture (to a man). There’s even one of her shooting at a gun range. Perhaps she just needs to grow up a little. If I just saw the pictures without the story, I would think this is someone I might like.

  12. Wanna bet she’s fresh out of Indoctrination U? “Digital education special area teacher” means she ran the movie projector and cleaned the erasers for the actual accredited teaching staff. This is her first gig and she’s trying to use the “advanced” teaching methods her marxist indoctrinators AKA professors convinced her were just the BESTEST way to help young students learn.

    The school board may not have known she was going to do this but now that they do, they must either rein her in HARD, along with notations in her work record, or kick her butt out with a bad reference so the next place she tries to spew this drek will know what they’re getting.

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