My Brush With W- Ensign Pulver – IOTW Report

My Brush With W- Ensign Pulver

Reader Ensign Pulver has a pretty good anecdote which also contrasts just how much we’ve shifted in just 12 short years.–

It was back in 2004 when my crib in PSL (Port St. Lucie) got bulls-eyed two times in a row over 21 days by Hurricanes Frances and Jean.

After the first hurricane a Florida National Guard convoy drives by, sirens wailing. I’m out front raking up all the crap, the windows were still shuttered with plywood that I spray painted with the message, “You Loot, I Shoot”.

My Mossberg 500 pump 12 gauge is leaning up against the garage door. The convoy does a U-turn and the command vehicle stops in front of my house. The driver waves me over and the next thing I know Dubya Bush leans forward out of the back and shakes my hand.

He said he loved the sign and then they left.

After the second hurricane, I’m out front again, raking up more crap. This time I’m drinking beer and I have the Mossberg 5 Hundy in a sling over my shoulder and I’ve got a .380 pistol in an open-carry holster because some Miami Cuban beaners had tried to steal my boat right out of my backyard in broad daylight the day before.

The convoy does a U-Turn and pulls up. This time Dubya gets out, says with a big grin, “Brother, we gotta stop meeting like this!” and embraced me.

Nobody lifted a finger or said a peep about the fact that I was armed – the National Guard guys were wearing huge grins.

They loved their Commander-In-Chief and they knew he loved them back.

If it had been our fucktard Kenyan Socialist Moslem-In-Chief I would have been pig-piled by DHS jackbooted thugs and jailed for having weapons in view.

-Ensign Pulver

13 Comments on My Brush With W- Ensign Pulver

  1. EP, thank you for sharing that wonderful experience. Dubya was indeed a likable fellow. I fear the days of presidents responding with empathy to the plight of the people are gone for good.

  2. Oh that is hilarious! Well, except that whole hurricane thing.
    I can’t say I’m a big fan of W, but he never came off as an asshole or a traitor.
    0bama, however…

  3. Great story-W did a lot of good things for this country and I know he loves America. He always seemed like a real down to earth man.

    But he sure missed a golden opportunity with a Republican House and Senate to put our economic house in order. He set the stage for Obama/Jarret to run wild.

    He sure put the fear of god into Kaddafi and the mullahs when he followed through on his promises.

    If it were me there in 2004, I’d have sent Mitch Rapp to have a late night “come to god” moment with Harry Reid.

    His current tantrum over Trump is bullshit.

  4. W was down to earth and a great sense of humor.
    He came to the Governor’s Mansion in Illinois to meet with approximately 20 of his Illinois “political staff” who were working on his first presidential campaign.

    His first words were, “If you guys can elect this guy Governor (pointing at the Governor), surely you can elect me President.”

    His words were prophetic, “W” was speaking about Illinois Governor George Ryan who was a corrupt old school political hack and personal prick and general asshole.

    Of course W won the presidency and after Ryan’s first term as Illinois Governor, Ryan was indicted, convicted and headed to prison.

  5. Yall say what you will about W, but he’s aces in my book because, to me, the single most important duty of President is Commander In Chief of the mightiest military on Earth. He fulfilled that role better than anyone else in my lifetime, including Reagan, who I also venerate.

  6. I was always impressed with his top-secret Thanksgiving trip to Iraq for the sole purpose of laying some roast turkey on our GIs. What a beautiful way to thank the soldiers for their service to the country.

    Fucking Obama can’t even salute the troops properly.

  7. As an outsider looking in I think that Bush made an excellent wartime President but not so good on internal social and economic issues internal to the country. I think he was an honest man who was hated by the media and some of the elite (remember his dad is a member of the elite) and that they made is job far more difficult. He will be remembered fondly while Obama will be remembered with barely concealed contempt. I say barely concealed simply because he was your first black president and that will hold back the full force of the people’s displeasure with his reign.

  8. I always liked W. I voted for him and volunteered for his campaign locally.

    Unfortunately he was a huge disappointment. The Patriot Act, his failed Amnesty bill, Medicaid part D and then bailing out the big banks pretty much shows you what type of guy he was. That being said I would crawl over broken glass to have him back instead of Obama.

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