“My Continent Is Not Your Giant Climate Laboratory”: African official urges nations to unite against ‘environmental manipulation techniques’ funded by leftist billionaires – IOTW Report

“My Continent Is Not Your Giant Climate Laboratory”: African official urges nations to unite against ‘environmental manipulation techniques’ funded by leftist billionaires

BPR: A Nigerian climate scientist is out with a column for The New York Times in which he demands that leftist billionaires like Bill Gates and George Soros stop trying to use the continent of Africa as their laboratory.

“My Continent Is Not Your Giant Climate Laboratory,” the column’s blunt headline reads.

In the piece, Dr. Chukwumerije Okereke specifically complains about Western climate zealots and billionaires trying to convince Asian countries to adopt extremely experimental, high-risk proposed climate change solutions like solar geoengineering.

“As a climate expert, I consider these environmental manipulation techniques extremely risky. And as an African climate expert, I strongly object to the idea that Africa should be turned into a testing ground for their use,” he writes. more here

13 Comments on “My Continent Is Not Your Giant Climate Laboratory”: African official urges nations to unite against ‘environmental manipulation techniques’ funded by leftist billionaires

  1. We will use you any way we can to achieve total rule, but you will always be niggers to us, to do with as we please.

    Now go do your globalist chores , you uppity boy, before I set your Communist overseers on you.

  2. Notice how aligned the climate change idiots are with the white savior mentality. You’re not smart enough to know what is good for you, and it is too complex for you to understand.

  3. “….climate change solutions like solar geoengineering.”
    It never ceases to amaze me just how ignorant these “smart rich people” remain; with their desire to play god. To actually think, I know a stretch, that they are capable of altering a cyclical system that has functioned for billions of years on it’s own. Playing with God’s creation will indeed garner God’s reaction.

  4. Apparently, Nigeria still breeds men.
    It’s a shame that America repudiates manhood and extols the ascension of pseudo-womanhood – faggots pretending to be women.

    I don’t know for sure, but I suspect that God is not amused.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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