Potato Stelter says he has no clue why he was fired ‘I had a popular show by CNN standards’ – IOTW Report

Potato Stelter says he has no clue why he was fired ‘I had a popular show by CNN standards’


Brian Stelter seems to have come to terms with the realization that he was fired by CNN, and while he claims he has no clue why that happened, in the same breath Stelter blamed Fox News for making him “a target.”

The ousted CNN chief media correspondent appeared on Dan Abrams’ NewsNation show Tuesday evening and Abrams asked Stelter about leaving the network while suggesting CNN “kind of pushed you out.”

“I’ve embraced the f-word,’ Dan,” Stelter answered, with a chuckle. “Fired!”

“Why do you think you got fired?” Abrams asked.

“I don’t know,” his guest replied, prompting Abrams to press.

12 Comments on Potato Stelter says he has no clue why he was fired ‘I had a popular show by CNN standards’

  1. “‘I had a popular show by CNN standards’”
    CNN has standards? Who knew?
    Really, if you have to bring up “CNN standards”, you’ve already set the bar below ground level.
    CNN standards. That ain’t sayin’ much.

  2. So why is this fool having this other fool on his show?
    Is he going to invite other fired fools?
    And will they be as clueless as the Potato?

    Sheesh … I’m not sorry that I no longer watch TV.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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