“My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted [heart emoji]” – On Facebook One Day Before Jury Deliberates – IOTW Report

“My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted [heart emoji]” – On Facebook One Day Before Jury Deliberates

The trial may be deemed a mistrial.


27 Comments on “My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted [heart emoji]” – On Facebook One Day Before Jury Deliberates

  1. I’ve been following this. LOL. One thing all Libtards have in common? No self control. Which is why I predicted a couple years ago Katie Hobbs would eventually put the noose around her own neck. Currently there’s a shit load of unconfirmed reports that she’s stepped down as AZ Gov. I dunno. Dumb bitch.

  2. “even if it’s real nothing will happen”

    It’s real, and someone on Team Trump found it and forced the judges hand. Otherwise they would have just blown it off.

  3. I think anyone giving credence to the political hit job on Trump made the list. It’s quite a big list. Tiresome to rectify. Like cutting up a whole beef. You’re gonna be there all day.

  4. bob frapples

    Well. there is another possibility. More bull shit to show how fair and upstanding they are. We’ll see. I think Trump needs to get to SCOTS stat regardless.

  5. I have a sneaking suspicion that this is part of a plan to be used to declare a mistrial so they can start the whole corrupt process over again. This way they can keep the unconstitutional gag order on Trump and force him to sit in court again for several more weeks while expending hundreds of thousands of $ (or millions) more on legal representation to fight the same corrupt charges again. And then, they can sentence him to jail time even closer to the election.

    Maybe I’m cynical, but I wouldn’t put anything past the scum orchestrating this lawfare against President DJT. The SCOTUS needs to nip this unconstitutional bullshit in the bud ASAP if there is to remain even a hint of a true, constitutional republic.

  6. Everything with the democrats is a scam. This is either their excuse to call a mistrial and reverse a tactical error, or it’s just another opportunity to let it be known to the US public that the fucking democrats can do anything they want with total impunity and the law matters not.

  7. Do we have an actionable communication by an actual juror, or just this “heard it from a friend” bullshit. If it’s the latter—and it sure looks that way—no kraken will be appearing. And that jucking fudge Merchan would be just yanking Trump’s lawyer’s chain with this alleged “letter”. There’s no waking up from this nightmare, because it is real. And it will get more obscene.

  8. I think Bubba’s Brother (above) nailed it. Benny Johnson suggested the same thing; judge will declare a mistrial and order an immediate retrial, and keep Donald Trump tied up for another month and a half. And forestall an appeal until he is convicted again.

  9. Tony R, it’s not up to Merchan. He’s already conflicted six ways to Sunday, and the train keeps rolling. They’re too far into this to back out now. After the brazen nonsense Merchan decreed to get the required deep state result, it is highly unlikely that he’d hang his robe on some cretin’s fazebook blurt.

    IMO, this is all total bullshit, and I’m not buying a word of it.

  10. One cannot lawsuit one’s way out of tyranny.
    “They” do not venerate the “law” – “they” use it as a cudgel.
    Seeing is believing – and we’re seeing it from NY to CA to TX and all points in between.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. If a mistrial is declared, it’s up to Bragg to retry. The judge doesn’t make that decision.

    Mistrial would moot all appeals and possible misconduct charges, I believe.

    It would be a Roseanna Roseannadanna moment: “NEVERMIND!”

  12. If this whole situation was reversed, say Obama was just convicted, would the jurors be very concerned about being doxxed?

    The left doesn’t play by the rules. We do. Who’s winning?

  13. This turned out to be a troll, but even so, there are so many other issues with the trial, it should be overturned immediately. Or is this supposed to be the “last straw”.


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