My Dinner With Heresy – IOTW Report

My Dinner With Heresy

Send this to NeverTrump people.


HT/ C. Steven Tucker

25 Comments on My Dinner With Heresy

  1. I want to be done with it but every time I think the topic is over ‘they keep dragging me back in’.

    Thanks for the humor. I’m running with it. The nevertrump types refuse to discuss the facts so I’m just going to laugh at them and should they engage all the better.

  2. See the Bush story below. Where were these people’s principles when Bush, Dole, Bush, McCain and Romney were jammed down everyone’s throat. Guess they were the ones voting for Ralph Nader.

  3. I had the stomach churning experience to catch some of FOX News Sunday at CTH. Fucking George Will needs a GD baseball bat to the face. What a condescending faggot.

    I used to enjoy Hume, I guess like 2 centuries ago, but he’s another condescending prick. He ridicules Trump’s outreach. No critique of Trump’s policies or plan, just sneering. Sickening.

    And the REgressive chick? OMGoodness, have a barf bag ready for the garbage she throws out without any blowback from the others.

    Chris Wallace? He’s a debate moderator? Every motherfucking one of these assholes is in the tank for Hillary. They could spend hours going over real crimes this bitch has committed. Real obfuscation from the DOJ & the FBI. Instead they lay into Trump and his common sense solutions to the nightmare of open borders. Like following the GD law. What’s the point of passing legislation if it’s ignored? And when Trump says, “Do we have a country?” He labeled a racist. Sheeesh.

    Unreal. The left dominated media is a disgrace. Anyone that watches this crap regularly for their news is out of their ever loving mind.

    If Hillary wins this, you kiss/flush this country away and jerks like Will and The Sweaty Thumb are the reason. We have the most corrupt nominee in our history running for president. Our side should be piling on this cunt 24/7. It should be relentless. Instead unbelievably, Rs are attacking the only man that can stop the end of it all.

    I pray every night that sundance’s monster vote hammers this stinking snatch into the ground. Or we are fucked.

  4. If Hillary wins you only have yourself to blame you picked a man with made up principles you somehow believed in. And he keeps making them as the days go one. Admittedly with his new team he is doing a damn fine good job of it with the black community and just might pull it off beating Hillary. Hillary scares the living shit out of me by a thousand miles more than Trump so I guess I am no better than the Trump supporters when he gets my vote.

  5. Gee Wally, this year for Halloween I’m not gonna shave or bathe for a month, get a bottle of Ripple in a paper bag, get drunk and stagger around in a big sandwich sign made to look like a ballot checked off as a vote for Jill Stein.

    OK Beave, I give. Whuts that supposed to be?

    A wasted vote!

  6. The asshole chimes in with, “…you picked a man with made up principles you somehow believed in. And he keeps making them(up) as the days go one(on).”

    A statement so full of assholey bullshit you have to tip toe through it.

    “made up principles? Yamean the ones he’s been voicing pretty much his entire life? Those principles? Like following the law? Or not getting our asses handed to us by globalists?

    “Somehow believed in…” Somehow?? How is it so hard to fucking somehow believe open borders is suicide? Or importing a million moslims might need a second look? That’s a somehow to you???

    “…keeps making them up…” You are one fucking hopeless dude. Fuck you. Take your stinking vote & FOAD.

    I swear some days my sunny optimism doesn’t have a chance.

  7. TrueLIES: the hard-to-delete “Let me tell you why I think Trump’s the worst, but *believe* me when I claim I’ll vote for him” troll. F*ck off and die, you syphilitic maggot.

  8. In addition to the disappearance of the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and 10th Amendments, you can look forward to something else; Christianity will be treated as a mental aberration. Make no mistake, this is an attack on the last God-fearing bastion in America. The Bushes, the Clintons and Obugger simply handed over the reins of our government to the globalists who are setting up a scenario where the Beast will arise.

    All this activity we see on the world scene – uncontrolled immigration, crime, massive government spending, economic uncertainty, threats of war – is how legitimate governments are marginalized. People of all nations will seek a leader who offers them safety and security. And the one who does will be the one who brings the world down into perdition and judgement.

    And it ain’t Trump. Well, neither is Hillary, but she is dating the Antichrist on a regular basis.

  9. ‘If Hillary wins you only have yourself to blame you picked a man with made up principles you somehow believed in. ”

    What the delusional #NT people cling to as their excuse.

    First off Mr. Johnny-come-lately, most people here never had Trump as their first choice and did not vote for him in the primaries. The only reason most of us here at IOTW are pulling for Trump is because we understood from day 1 what a Hillary presidency means. The cartoons sums it up nicely, but I digress.

    But we support him and if Hillary wins we are to blame? Bwahahahahah, how lame.

    For the millionth time, Trump won the primaries because your GOP Establishment promised us in 2010, 2012 and 2014 that they couldn’t do anything to stop Obama unless they had control of the Senate and House. Then when they got what they asked for from the voters what happened?

    They rolled and sucked Obama’s balls on command. Usually I write that nicer, but I’m tired of being nice when it comes to this.

    The GOPe flat out lied to the voters. Yeah outside of Cruz, nobody stood up to Obama and the Democrats. Ryan, McConnell and the rest of the RINOs spent more time fighting Cruz than Obama. That’s why I was a Cruz supporter and was pulling for him.

    But the primaries came and the set up looked like the GOPe was laying the ground work for a Jeb win or a Rubio if Jeb couldn’t convince the voters that a 3rd time Bush in office was the charm. Even if Trump had not entered the race, Cruz would have been villified and schemed against and would not have won.

    But Trump entered and the voters said FUCK YOU to anybody who had pulse in Washington already. Seems like the #NT have a very, very short memory when it comes to this. If the GOP had made good on its promise to fight Obama from 2010-2016 instead of bullshit votes that would never accomplish anything, then Trump is never the nominee. EVER!

    Jeb sunk his own ship supporting Common Core and amnesty. Rubio sunk his ship with his Gang of 8 support. Anybody sucking up to Chuck Schumer cannot be trusted. Christie sunk his ship by cozying up to Obama after Hurricane Sandy and Bridgegate. I liked Scott Walker too but he folded up like a cheap tent. Kasich had all the energy of Bob Dole.

    So we are left with Cruz, who could have perhaps gotten the nomination until he torpedoed himself, starting with the ballot shaming in Iowa. Completely uncalled for. Then he turned into this TV-Evangelist turned off a lot of folks. Then when asked simple questions, he brings out the lawyer-esqe speak that sounds like he is saying a lot when in fact it answered nothing. He looked like nothing more than the typical run of the mill, desperate politician.

    It certainly was not the Ted Cruz I remember taking on protesters at events and inviting them up to the platform to debate. Or the Ted Cruz who could run rings around the likes of Chris Mathews during a broadcast interview.

    Also tired of this delusional talk if Hillary wins, we can get a good candidate in for 2020 to take the White House back. It won’t matter a lick at that point. Once the SCOTUS is lost to the libs, we are forever toast. After 6 years of rolling for Obama you think the GOPe is going to stand up to Hillary with the current crop of straw-men running the joint? I see ZERO evidence they will do anything to stop anybody but themselves.

    If Hillary wins, those that fought to support her by undermining Trump are the ones that will be held accountable.

  10. I’m taking a hiatus on commenting until after the election after today. The never Trumpers are extreme fools who just might cost us the loss of all our freedoms just because they’re pissed at Trump because Cruz (or Jeb or whoever) is not their preferred candidate for President. I don’t want to see hellary become president ever especially if she manages somehow to steal the election (or if barry finds an excuse to cancel the election to stay in power) because I’m afraid that just might lead to another Civil War. I’m also turning off my TV, radio for the most part, fortunately we get get Dennis Prager’s program here locally, I can listen to him, Rush is just speaking to the choir anymore so he stays off. I just don’t want any distractions that will keep me away from praying daily that God’s will will be done till after the election. I personally don’t think hellary has a chance, my guts tell me she can’t be elected but at the same time I just don’t know. Something is going to happen whether it be thru WikiLeaks or perhaps God will hear our prayers, not just mine but all of us and will deliver us from evil. I don’t want what happened to Russia 100 years ago to happen after World War 1 because the people have forgotten God to happen to us in America. May God bless us all and hopefully, prayerfully all will be well and America as we we know it will still be here after the election. This is by far the most important Presidential election of my lifetime which will determine how all our children and grandchildren will live in a free or an oppressed country. And I can’t risk that by not taking a stand now and praying that it won’t be so. I will not ever support or bow to a evil govt. if God forbid hellary wins, the vow I took when I joined the US Navy 44 years ago is still valid that I will support and defend the U.S. Constitution to the best of my ability, so help me God.

  11. Put the #NeverTrump-ers on the list, too, along with the “Demonrat” socialists, the mensheviks, the bolsheviks, the other traitors, the liars, the thieves, and the corrupt.

    They’ll hang as pretty as chiffon drapes.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. After Hilary wins and patriots are hauled off to the Gulag, I will go cannibal and develop a taste for Liberals.
    I shall grow sleek and fat in the re-education camp.
    But the one thing I will covet beyond all others, is the taste of #NeverTrumpers.
    I shall smile at them with my pointy filed teeth and wave warmly as they are led into the compound.

  13. #Nevertrumpers are self-righteous ass weasels and I would gladly fight any of them in an actual fist fight. Like fight me, bitch. I’m tired of you dogging on me, I’m 23 and I’ve been boxing for 3 1/2 years, I’ll knock your block off.

  14. The Richmond Times Dispatch just endorsed……..
    Gary Johnson. Not only are they #nevertrump, but the newspaper in Virginia’s state Capitol also went against its senator, former governor and its former mayor, Timmy kaine.

  15. I saw this a few days ago – memorized it and told this to my son

    He was very very quiet for a few minutes, I thought I may have finally gotten through ….then,. “Mom, you can never admit you’re wrong”

    Sigh….he is a good looking young guy, can I brag on that? 🙂
    (I’ll get him over before the election, I’m positive)

  16. This reminds me of all the time I wasted trying to convince my friends who were smokers to stop smoking in order to try to save them an early death. Most of them are dead now, of illnesses that were directly or indirectly related to smoking. The ones who did quit did it because they couldn’t continue it any longer (heart attacks, pre-emphysema, etc.) Not ONE person quit because of my efforts.

    So – why not just ignore the losers and concentrate on the undecided voters? Saves a lot of time and aggravation, and may actually do some good, IMHO.

    Just sayin’.

  17. Most of the so called NEWSpapers are owned by the same globalists that own the broadcast media thus the RTD position. A vote for Johnson is just a ploy to look like a non endorsement of globalist Clinton. Childish just like traitor Ryan,Kristol,Will,and so on even Cruz. Boycott the RTD.

  18. @Poteet.
    You’re right. RTD was purchased by Warren Buffett a few years back and has lurched decidedly to port. I cancelled my subscription because of that.

    RTD has endorsed the republican candidate every election since 1980

  19. TO VietVet

    Why not just ignore the NTers and focus on the undecideds?

    1. Because – unlike smokers – if the NTers are successful in derailing Trump and enabling a Hillary victory, WE ALL SUFFER THE CONSEQUENSES.
    2. Because – unless shut down – the NTers have access to and influence over “the undecided” as well.

  20. “Dole? He’s got my full support. He’s gonna lose but he’s got my full support!”

    “McCain? He’s got my full support. He’s gonna lose but he’s got my full support!”

    “Romney? He’s got my full support. He’s gonna lose but he’s got my full support!”

    “Trump? This guy could actually win. No way I could support him.”

  21. @Czar of Defenestration: Maybe you’re right about the possible effects of the NTers, but I still think you can sum up the effort to change their minds in one sentence:

    “Head, meet Wall”.


  22. No way you’ll “change their minds”…it’s more with the goal of “rubbing their nose in it” and insulting and shaming them into isolation, since their pathetic tribe is shrinking every day. In other words, it’s with the objective of having those undecideds see what absolute jackasses the NTers are as clearly as we do.

  23. @chuffed-beyond-words, boxing is a great sport. The only one I give a shit about anymore.
    Where do you fight? If you don’t mind me asking.

    I come from a bare-knuckles 15-rounds family, with a world champ in the mix somewhere.

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