My Fear With The Voter Fraud Lawsuits – IOTW Report

My Fear With The Voter Fraud Lawsuits

In all candor, I have to say that I vacillate from day to day about my feelings regarding the lawsuits filed.

Some days I hear the evidence and I am confident the left’s criminality will be exposed, and Trump will, rightly, serve his deserved second term.

Other days I feel as if the evidence will be thought of as nothing more than conspiracy theories, and that the headwinds are too strong. Not only is the leftwing political machinery against Trump, so is the media and, more importantly, many people on the right –> (cough) Dana Perino (cough).

But my biggest fear is that the crimes will be exposed but there will be no satisfactory remedy and the outcome will be that “election reform” is sorely needed, and this Biden presidency will go forth with a lot of chatter about how we should really “learn our lessons” from it.


59 Comments on My Fear With The Voter Fraud Lawsuits

  1. BFH – I agree with your third thought. The scam will be exposed, but nothing will be done. Based on the last 20+ years, the Repubs and the right have brought a number of issues up, but nobody on the Left is ever punished.

  2. Lessons will be learned. The Dems will be able to identify the areas needing work to help them hide their cheating and fraud. If we don’t prove without doubt that their hands are in the cookie jar we will gain nothing.

  3. My prayer all along has remained the same. It is that the fraud is so big, and so in your face that those involved can not possible hide from it. It’s alot to ask, but i’m hopeful it happenes and even the crazy’s cant hid from it.
    But i share your take on it all.

  4. If the case turns out to be that voter fraud sufficient to take the presidency from Trump and given to Biden is proven to the public, but Biden is installed anyway… then they will insitutionalize the process to ensure that it happens every time.

  5. I hate to sound like a broken record, but you’ve just described why the Military is our only option. Our country is so close to becoming socialist/communists, that it’s scary. If you step back and look at the steps Trump has taken since early in his term, it almost like he was preparing for this. Something big needs to happen to restore our Constitutional Republic. People need to be prosecuted. And if left to our deep state infiltrated justice system it will never happen. Who’s got that server? I’m betting the military does.

  6. I additionally believe the majority of the elected GOP are in on taking Trump down and keeping the system as is. Sidney Powell has uncovered kick backs for the Dominion machines to republicans (GA Gov / SOS) and indicated both parties have been buying edges from Dominion. If this is true, and she isn’t a person known to make wild accusations, this would explain all the NeverTrump crap and refusal to back POTUS from the majority. What is making me start to give up hope is she has moved from talking about Dominion, proving voter changing to statistics and improbability. She also mentioned the server was seized but unknown if by good or bad guys which means they don’t have it. I don’t think they will be able to prove it in time. I’m giving up on the court cases, they seem like they are going no where and a distraction. The last hope is the Executive Order, if there is really an investigation into foreign interference. But Trump wasn’t able to clean up the DOJ and Dept of Defense so seeming like a long shot. And if Trump is gone no one has a vested interest in fixing any of this.

  7. “But my biggest fear is that the crimes will be exposed”…

    …and it will be obvious to those who will see the truth that Trump did indeed win a landslide 70% but Biden will still be installed.

    And then those who see the truth will withdraw from the corrupted, rigged voting system, because if Trump’s landslide can be taken away, what hope is there for a normal, close election? As long as we are saddled with mail-in ballots and digital voting, we will be reduced to passively watching the power-play for the Democrat nomination to see who our next President will be.

  8. Far, far too many Republicans support the radical Marxist agenda of the left. Far, far too many young people have had their minds poisoned by Marxist or useful idiot teachers.

    Still I will never bet against God or the Donald. I still believe truth and justice will prevail.

  9. Everyone who filed a complaint affidavit did it in front of the law,knowing in some states they can get 15 year jail time for lying

    It also doesn’t help the left that the GOP peeps in Michigan or was it GA? were threatened into changing their certification votes. And the proof came from the left posting videos about the GOP members’ location of their home addresses, their kids’ schools, and the threats.

    Don’t worry about who is filing what. That’s your army. Same as the army that is outside the state caps protesting peacefully to count LEGAL votes. And it ain’t just the R’s. The D’s have started complaining about the stolen election, too. Some of them want their votes changed to Trump… As long as the machines are able to change shit anyway. lol

  10. If you look at the evidence that is being released with a reasoned mind it’s obvious. If you let the leftists and the media (I repeat myself) blur your mind with their rants and obfuscations you will get confused and depressed. Don’t let that happen – you KNOW they are lying.
    Remember the “Russia, Russia, Russia” hoax, the black book hoax, the pee-pee tape hoax and the impeachment hoax? Every one of those caused you concern, but President Trump prevailed. He came through all of that STRONGER, and he (and his army) is marching ahead, through this current fog of crime and deceit. He (we) will prevail!!!!
    Help him any way you can.
    P.S. – I LOVE typing “President Trump”!!!

  11. Oh, and it doesn’t matter what the media thinks. They’ve gone from
    “No way, election fraud is a conspiracy, a lie…”
    To “Well, it isn’t THAT bad”.

    They know they’re up shit creek.

  12. Fur & Co — Take a look back. President Trump was our answer to years and years of prayer to God Almighty that our we would repent, turn away from sin and he would heal our country. Let’s not forget that. Trump had “no chance in hell of winning” but he did. Now, for 4 years they have thrown everything, including the kitchen sink, at him and at us. NOW IS NOT THE TIME for the faithful to throw in the towel — this is the precise hour the devil exhalts; in our weakness of spirit.

    I just listened to this this morning. Here it is for all who are poor in spirit:

    Be happy warriors, my friends. We’re direcly over the target and God has his finger on the firing pin. Don’t give in to doubt of his omnipotence.

    And all of God’s people said, “Amen.”

  13. Oh the latest in media excuses:

    “Maybe there were some discrepancies in one county, but not the entire state”. lolol

    They’re back to, “it’s a mostly peaceful protest. *building burns in background*”

  14. Thank God George Washington didn’t give up when it all seemed lost.
    Freezing cold soldiers with no boots and bleeding feet fought for this nation.
    I will not submit.

  15. Either I am in a state of denial or an eternal optimist in saying that Trump is going to prevail.
    I see day by day things that are lining up.
    I don’t see President Trump conceding, knowing that he absolutely won this election. I cannot for the life of me see him shaking hands and greeting Joe Biden at the foot of the White House steps. Can You? That’s not the Trump I have seen for the last 4 years. He’s a fighter. Hang in there folks !

  16. “Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never–in nothing, great or small, large or petty–never give in, except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”

    Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s address to Harrow School on October 29, 1941.

  17. Brad, it would be great if the military too point on this, but I have no confidence in the military, their ability to ferret out wrong doing or even the will to pursue it. There are just as many weasels in the military as any other arm of the Federal Government, and there is even less wiggle room to go whistle-blower because most are career soldiers. The general takes their orders from the Joint Chiefs and they in turn must answer to the president. The easier course is to accept the vote as it is and to kowtow to the new administration.

    BFH,I believe all this “kraken” nonsense is not only going to be ineffective, but it will alienate most of the uninformed voters out there. Of course I think this election was stolen, either through fraud of machine manipulation, but so many things have to fall into place, both with evidence and with clear thinking judges, it will prove Herculean.

    What I hope will happen, won’t, as evidenced by all the career crooks in State and the FBI. In this world, right does not prevail, crime does pay, and those of us that demand justice usually get kicked in the teeth for our efforts.

  18. They’ve lost Wisconsin, when the election commission deadlocked on changing the rules for matching applications to absentee ballots in their last minute late night session. Unless they some how figure out a way to fake 100,000 absentee applications, they are going to lose the recount. That’s 10 electoral votes.

    They’re in the process of losing Michigan. The canvass from Wayne county is contested and it’s being thrown to the republican majority state canvassing board to make a determination on the imbalance of registered voters to votes caste. The gap is too large to paper over and it will go to the legislature to determine what to do with Wayne county (hold another election or throw out all the absentee votes). Either way they will lose Michigan. That’s 16 electoral votes

    Pennsylvania is the wild card. Win the 14th amendment lawsuit and they will lose this state as well. This lawsuit will most likely end up in front of SCOTUS, which now has more constitutional based justices than it’s had in a long time. Win this lawsuit and again, either a new election for PA or throw out 600,000 mail in ballots. My money is on Donald Trump’s team winning this legal challenge. That’s 20 electoral votes.

    10 + 16 + 20 = 46, which means Biden failing to keep 270 electoral votes. If the election goes to the House, each state gets 1 delegation and since there are more republican held state legislatures, the president gets re-elected, constitutionally. In the meantime there are other lawsuits in other states (Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, possibly New Mexico or even Virginia).

    The battle has commenced. The president has the initiative and the evidence and the majority of this nation behind him. They have the media, the deep state and unfathomable depths of hatred for the nation, for their fellow citizens and the proven willingness to cheat, lie and try to intimidate for power.

    I like our odds of Donald Trump being re-elected and serving another 4 years and the left falling upon themselves in recriminations and violence to the utter dissolution of their political coherence. They will not get away with it and will pay a terrible price for a generation for what they’ve attempted to do here.

    They couldn’t stop Trump in ’16, they couldn’t stop Cavanaugh in ’18, they failed to pick up a single seat in the house and (God willing) will remain a minority in the senate. They failed to take one state house or governorship. They are destroying their own jurisdictions forcing their citizens are escaping. Their ideology is not just wrong, it’s destructive and has proven itself to be ruinous. Their traditional constituencies have either faded or begun to turn away from them.

    The democrat / deep state / establishment is a spent force that with either fade with time or be consumed by their radical left wing. It will be the end of what power and influence they’ve had on the nation over the last 50 years.

  19. Agreed! This scandle will suffer the same fate as the Obama Birther ‘Conspiracy’, which also had legs, but was quashed by ‘official’ misinformation. Why did the public graphic file of Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate contain 7 layers instead of a single scan layer? Never answered.

  20. God IS in control; just as He was when He let the Babylonians defeat His chosen people and carry them off into captivity. Perhaps God is punishing us, the USA, for abandoning Him. After all, we didn’t stop abortion, or the illegitimate birthrate caused by welfare, or homosexual marriage, or trans-whatever, or the denial of objective truth, etc. What other sinful behavior is now common, accepted practice?

  21. Rich
    First of all in my mind the server is key. The server will prove a “Systematic” attempt to over through a legitimate Government by, or with the help of, foreign sources. I’m not putting much faith in the fraud here domestically. I could be wrong.
    As far as the military goes, Trump’s got a really good relationship with the JSOC crowd. They love the guy. Who did he just appoint as Secretary of Defense? A Specopps guy.
    Here’s an informed look at the taking of that server. However I think the guys wrong. I think the army grabbed it. Why else would they be there. If the CIA felt they needed back up in a friendly foreign country they would have used that countries military. Tell me if you think I’m smoking crack.

  22. I view the massive voter fraud that may unseat a sitting US President the equivalent of planes being flown into the World Trade Center. The Left is engaged in a domestic jihad with the intended result being total submission to their fascist agenda and death to the non-compliant infidels.

  23. Brad, so where do you get your crack? Just kidding…..I agree with you, if we think this is going to be resolved by a handful of civilian lawyers then we are on crack. Somehow for this to end well the military will play a critical role.

  24. joe6pak

    I should mention I have 6 guys from neighboring businesses that show up at my shop every morning at 8:00 to discuss this. And we al agree this is what needs to happen, and based on moves Trump has made, starting on day one, what is most likely to happen. If we are wrong, things are going to really suck for a while.

  25. Brad, a couple things;

    From your link ,”That means that the evidence will be under the control of the Department of Justice through US Attorneys and can be used in court or other judicial proceedings.” Is this the same Dept. of Justice that has stonewalled legitimate requests for documents from both House and Senate Intel committees for years?

    Also from your link ,” Wray, more than Haspel, has been working aggressively to undermine and sabotage Donald Trump.”. Both have blatantly ignored lawful requests for documents, in everything from Russian collusion, Hillary’s illegal mail server, her careless handling of top secret info, and the systemic disregard for protocol in the FBI’s illegal spying of the Trump campaign. Expecting them to co-operate/facilitate in providing any evidence that the election was rigged, especially when they welcomed the outcome of Trump being defeated, seems to me a bridge too far.

    The author points to a “nefarious relationship” between the CIA and the Dominion Software, knowing that it was intentionally committing voter fraud, if so then there is even more reason for Haspel to thwart Powell at every turn.

    “Tell me if you think I’m smoking crack.”

    No, I don’t think so, I think you, like all honorable men find it anathema to stand by when evil or injustice prevails, that your code demands a certain symmetry in the universe where goodness wins out and evil men are smited into oblivion. Powell, Lin Wood, and Rudy might ultimately get this wrong righted, I’m just not holding my breath.

  26. Rich

    I’m still thinking the Military grabbed that server for reasons I stated above.
    It’s a sad statement that Trump needs to pick from the lesser of two Deep State Evils to get evidence.

  27. I think you’ve read the minds of everyone here. I feel powerless and anxiety as to what the outcome will be but more importantly what the future for America will be. This serious stuff. And the left is either too stupid or hates us so much they cannot understand what is unfolding with these accusations and blatant examples fraud. It’s sickening. Why would someone do this to America? Why would citizens be so happy to comply with stealing an election? Who are these people? I think of the posse of people in Nevada filling in and stuffing absentee ballots. What is WRONG with you? Is there no right or wrong in your conscience?

    I feel anger and sadness at the same time.

  28. Thank you Dr. Tar… I just read your comment, and my heart is elated. Everyone should say prayers… it really works. I really think God is watching us and won’t let these scumbags get away with this crime. He’s going to give them enough rope to think they’re in the clear, then ‘blammo’ they get exposed.

    The dude who should really be sweating this out… is the fall guy Democrats are going to blame.

  29. A number of years ago I started saying that laws mean nothing without enforcement because I could see what politicians say and do without consequences. I also started saying that we need laws with teeth in them that will hold these Cheats accountable because I could see the writing on the wall (as many others could as well). We all saw the fiasco of 2000 and could see that democaRATs were only going to ramp up the fraud and that something had better be done about it before they get to the point where they can actually pull it off. Well here we are. What’s gonna be done about it? I can only put my faith in President Trump as a fighter and a patriot to take this where it needs to go and hope that he pulls off a victory and then continues to pursue these crooks to the fullest extent of the law.

  30. Arrests already being made, firings already taking place. More arrests and firings will be made in the next week. OPTIMISM PEOPLE. Our General has the banner firmly gripped and is waving it vigorously for us to rally around. The battle and it’s victory are at hand – AND THE ENEMY KNOWS IT! That is why they are firing everything they’ve got in the vain hope that it will weaken our resolve. NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER SURRENDER! We have them on the ropes and we haven’t even needed to go all “Battle of Athens” on their asses (yet)! Stay strong, stay the course, damn the torpedoes, AND FULL SPEED AHEAD!

  31. Pick your weapon:

    (a) Hammer
    (b) Sledge hammer
    (c) Jackhammer
    (d) Pile driver
    (e) Kingdome demolition team
    (f) 8.0 earthquake
    (g) 100 megaton thermonuclear device (like ‘Tsar Bomba’)
    (h) 1 mile-wide asteroid traveling at 40 miles/sec.
    (i) Donald J. Trump

  32. Sorry, Dr. Tar, SCOTUS will rule it’s a State issue how he election is run, and Biden wins.
    Like Obama did, Biden cheated better. And better that Hillary.
    2020 election will become systemic, just like masks and social distancing.
    First we had to register our guns, then we had to register our religion (reservations to attend church services). Next we have to register our political party(choose one, nobody can say ‘none’).
    BFH, I hear ya.
    Enjoy wearing your red star, everyone.
    In the history of Totalitarianism, the people subjected went along with the change and lost their freedoms, because, one person is not an army and Judges are just one person. Totalitarianism dies when some outside country decides enough! and uses superior military might to take ’em out.
    But, there will not be an ‘outside country’ with that military to come to our aid.

  33. Big Fur & Everyone,

    Keep the faith! Do not let the Enemedia’s psy-op work against you! The MSM is VITAL to their efforts and their sole purpose in this is sow disinformation, to manipulate you, ridicule you, demoralize you, create severe doubt and dissention, break the ranks so that they can and to weaken your resolve. All the while covering the Uniparty’s tracks.

    The good thing is that Trump has outed many of them. It is good to know my gut feeling about Tucker and most of Fox was not far off.

    Keep you foot on your republican representative’s necks. Demand answers from them. They (the uniparty) count on us rolling over.

    Pray, pray & pray!

  34. I have been praying for over 12 years that God will shine his light of Truth in the darkness and let everyone see just what the left has been doing. So far, it looks like many people who used to be Democrats have seen God’s light.

    Now for the brilliant white light to expose the evil America and God hating plans the left has been developing and using over the last 50+ years.

    I am an optimist, but even so, I’ve had very low lows where I have had to hang on for dear life to the hope I have in God. Not the “wish it were true” hope, but the sure hope that God is who he says he is and he is trustworthy, holy, loving and just.

    Just = justice. The left will feel God’s wrath for knowing who he is, yet choosing to worship Satan. Some of that justice will be experienced here and now. The Great White Throne Judgement is where the final eternal justice will be given.

    John 12:48
    The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day.

  35. Facts, evidence, proof…..ALL irrelevant. The left OWNS the media, the FBI, the JustUs Department and virtually ALL Federal Judges. Already FIVE judges in five different states have summarily dismissed lawsuits filed to block fraudulent ballots and invalidate results based on those ballots. No….do NOT look to the courts for justice….for ANYTHNG but especially regarding this election. The left spent DECADES building the machinery to steal elections and four years conspiring to steal THIS election. They’ve covered ALL the bases ESPECIALLY making sure that ALL the judges involved are THEIR GUYS.

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