MY GOD… – IOTW Report


37 Comments on MY GOD…

  1. Looks like some of the houses survived the winds to only be flooded.

    I was in the Bahamas in the early ’80s. So many structures were cheap housing like you would see in Hati. Those are probably not even partially standing, but the debris you see scattered in this video.

    Do they have any idea of the death toll?

    PS. Keep the Clintons away from there.

  2. Looks like one MASSIVE junkyard. Oddly, the golf courses did not flood??

    So what are the ENGLISH going to do??

    Although British monitored, most current residents are descendants from American Tory slaves.

    Get ready for the sucking sound out of Congress now…

  3. To the left, even if you do mock my beliefs, you, also, will receive my prayers should you ever have a disaster befall you. In addition, if I am ever in a position to provide direct help, I will be there as well.

  4. Anyone who ever worries about Mother Nature taking it in the teeth from puny mankind never took a two week vacation and came back to all the flora that has invaded their tidy patch of civilized lawn and garden. Looking at the pics of hurricane aftermath reminds me that Mother Earth has ways of redressing the balance.

  5. Just like New Orleans, NO ONE IS DOING ANYTHING! Are they all lazy democrats waiting for the government to wipe their butts? Why the hell are those people not taking care of each other like what happened in Joplin, Missouri?

  6. Oh, this will be grand! All those pictures of destruction, reports of dead or missing, tug those heart strings…
    What I see is another increase of your insurance.
    You see, insurance companies hate paying out money, of any kind, and what better way to lessen the blow than raise your home and auto insurance… never mind the fact that you live in Utah.

    If only people spent the money to built homes which could actually survive the hardships of your chosen biome

  7. @Ghost Glover is right! What is Great Britain’s role in all this? Those bastards should step up and help these people. They won’t, of course, and we will open the money spigot while Great Britain doles out their treasure to the Muslim invaders flooding into their country and building prisons to house anyone who says something bad about it.

  8. Gotta agree with Claudia & Cliche: They certainly don’t need the Clinton Foundation setting up a telecom company and commercial district, nor to they need UN relief workers bringing them a Cholera epidemic.

  9. Hambone is right. Now that America has a ripping economy, everyone’s going to have their hand in our pocket. And feel entitled to do so.

    And can you believe it?! We’ve got us a president who has been getting touched by every kind of person nearly his entire lifetime. He’s used to saying “no”.

  10. Don’t worry. Our American women will go down there and risk their lives and volunteer their civil engineering, electrical and construction skills. They won’t expect anything for it and won’t even be respected when they get home. They’ll be ridiculed as buffoons in every commercial and TV show, have their homes and children taken from them in divorces and be blamed for everything and be labeled as toxic. But they’ll endure and still help those in need. That’s what our women do…self-sacrifice. The men will stay in the comfort of their homes, eat ice cream and drink way too much wine and complain about how there are no good women and keep their social media facades up to the minute.

  11. Initial thoughts… There are no people in the video… The building standards must vary greatly from one structure to the next… The structures that are still standing are still brightly colored; that’s some awesome paint… This is so much worse than equivalent damage on any mainland as all supplies for rebuilding have to be shipped/flown in… That video shows the result of two days of weather; the tourism based economy is going to look like that for years… Does anyone recommend a charity that will actually get most of a donation to the people there? I’m so jaded, I don’t even trust the church charities anymore…

  12. And, after all this, if New York City gets so much as a stiff breeze from Dorian, they will scream that it is the Mother Of All Superstorms and demand trillions in relief from the federal government and lifetime free money for all it’s citizens/non-citizens along with emotional support mini-horses for all.

  13. It makes your heart go out to the affected people but at the same time you have to remember that this crap happens just about every year to some extent down there so you would think that they would take the initiative to build houses up to hurricane code and have storm shelters/bunkers to go to when this kind of storm rolls on through.

    It seems to me they are waiting just like everyone else for Uncle Sugar to borrow some more money from the federal reserve so we can give it away to them for free while we pay the interest on that loan for the next 30 years…. yup business as usual.

    The only problem I have with this is that the Bahamas do NOT belong to the USA in any way, shape, form, or treaty, so they need to put in a call to the queen of England so she can order the rothchilds to lend them some money and stop crying at us to make it all betterer.

  14. Couple of things…

    It’s my understanding that “high ground” is twenty feet above sea level. And yes they get hammered on a regular basis, but this is the FIRST TIME they’ve been hit with land fall of a true category 5. That and it sat on top of them for an extended period.

    It’s a miracle that there’s anything still standing or anyone left alive. Can the puny human comprehend sustained 185 MPH winds with gusts to 220?

    Been in or on the edge of a few tornados in fly over country and thinking I’ll happily prefer that to what they have.

  15. The AGE / CC crowd will claim hurricanes, in Dorian, are more destructive and powerful than in the past and we must do something before it’s to late. But the extra powerful storms hit every 30 or 50 years. Normal cycles.

    I was at Top Sail beach in May, walked out on the fishing pier one day and the pier staff were saying the ocean water temperature was higher than normal for May and they thought it might indicate a year with a lot of hurricanes. But there haven’t been many hurricanes thus far this summer, just this one extra damaging one so far.

    But at present there is also another massive cyclone in the east Atlantic, just west of Cape Verde Islands.

    Worth watching to see if it also develops into hurricane class.

  16. My wife and I along with some members of our family took a cruise last week. We were supposed to go to the Dominican Republic on Thursday but were rerouted north to…the Bahamas. We were there on Friday (went to Atlantis) and then boogied to Fort Lauderdale that evening. I am shocked and awed by the devastation.

    But be sure to park your SUVs because man-made climate change is REAL and an imminent threat to the WORLD! /s

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