My Lord, Antifa Members Are Ridiculously Ugly – IOTW Report

My Lord, Antifa Members Are Ridiculously Ugly

ht/ hot salsa

55 Comments on My Lord, Antifa Members Are Ridiculously Ugly

  1. Maybe that’s why they’re full of rage and hate. They were told they were special and had their own unique beauty as children. Now they know it was all lies!

  2. The truth of the matter is this is the end result of doing away with all of our mental health care facilities. Now the people that belong there run lose on our streets looting and burning.

  3. ^^^Hey, Benito! Where ya been?
    Welp, this is what happens when you clean out the mental hospitals. It’s like those photo spreads “The Face of Meth”. Only this is the “Face of Rage”. Is it drugs? Rage? Low IQ? Alcohol? STDs? Wish someone would actually study this.

    I see Brad had the same idea and beat me to it while I was typing!

  4. Print it out and make your own CUSTOM dart board…will give ya something to do this weekend and have some fun at the same time…lots a laughs…

  5. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when mayors/governors pander to parasites. Guessing 60% rejected by California, 30% from the other 48 states, 10% home grown?

  6. Proving they have two reasons to wear a face mask. To hinder ID, and to cover their ugliness. They get a pass from Portland’s mayor on wearing a mask for covid-19.

  7. “See kids …. this is what happens when you live in Mom’s basement your whole life. You want to grow up like that?”

    great object lesson for parents

  8. Some of them look like the freaks who work at Ulta. Which is why I don’t shop at Ulta anymore. If a makeup seller wears a clown suit, and doesn’t know what sex they are, they can’t possibly decide what I need. lol

  9. Brad
    OCTOBER 9, 2020 AT 2:05 PM
    “The truth of the matter is this is the end result of doing away with all of our mental health care facilities. Now the people that belong there run lose on our streets looting and burning.”

    …and running on all levels as Democrat candidates for every office in the land INCLUDING the Presidency, don’t forget…

  10. I’m going for the Margaret Sanger Award: I quite agree that there are distinct strains of idiocy in the national gene pool. Combine that with a ready and unending supply of anti-American propaganda and it’s a recipe for a decent into Hell. In a hand basket.

    The Good Old Days really were good. This used to be our mainstream culture, “1952 Day in the Life of a Small Town”:

  11. whenever I’m in public and see some escapee from the circus freak show that has pastel-coloured hair, I steer a wide berth around that demon-possessed beast.

  12. That’s why they act like they do. They were never loved, as I bet 90% of them are missing a father. The girls probably sleep with any dude just to feel human touch. The guys never developed socially and have no clue how to win a girl over, so frustrated virgins they remain. So all they know how to do is lash out and feel they belong. Fucking losers.

  13. Top row, third from the left.

    This (see image above) is a prime example of a medical condition called, Oral Cavity Diarrheaic Effusion (OCDE), which presents with an unending dribble of watery acrid-tasting diarrhea from the sides of the mouth and generally associated with unspecified hatred for America. At present, there is no known cure and is a lifelong affliction.

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