My Movie Pitch – IOTW Report

My Movie Pitch

As the top law enforcement official in the United States, the U.S. attorney general, incredibly, met with the husband of a woman under investigation by the FBI in the back of an airplane idling on the tarmac. As a former president, the husband had considerable political clout. Days later the head of the FBI recommended no charges be brought against the woman, to jaw-dropping incredulity.

In the aftermath, the head of the FBI finds his reputation in tatters.

While investigating the husband of the top aide of the woman who was previously investigated and cleared, evidence was uncovered that would ostensibly change the recommendations by the FBI that no charges be brought. To repair his damaged reputation, one that paints him as a political hack, he plans on pursuing this new lead and going wherever it takes him.

The attorney general, hearing about the new investigation, intervenes and strongly urges that the FBI head not tell anyone about their investigation because it would damage the woman at the epicenter of it all. The woman is currently running for the president of the United States and has the endorsement of the current president of the United States.

It was at this point during my movie pitch that I was thrown out of the office and told to “come back when you have a more believable story, buddy!”


I think it makes a great story.

Can anyone add to it so I can re-pitch it?



36 Comments on My Movie Pitch

  1. While investigating the top aids estranged husbands computer for sexual content with a minor, FBI investigators found the top aid in compromised positions with the presidential candidate. It turned out that the former first lady and her top aid had been frequenting a known high end sex club and there was damping evidence found on the computer where the first lady was being black mailed. All this was put to bed after the blackmailers demand were met, with several pounds of lead.

  2. Joe Biden puts on a ghost costume that has the eyes cut through the cloth in a random manner…he goes trick or treating and gets nothing but rocks in his endeavor…he falls down and dies and the country is saved….

  3. You need some popular culture thrown in. How about having the star of a mega reality show be the opponent of the presidential candidate? He could wear a white hat…Well, he could wear a hat that says he’s great, or America’s great, or something like that.

    That’s all I got.

  4. Hillary Clinton’s spastic eye/eyes dive completely out of her skull and invades Toronto…..Hockey is blacked out for the whole weekend in Canada, so the people of Canada invade the upper peninsula and make enough poutine for 50 years….Green Bay Wisconsin dies of a heart attack and Ohio becomes the state that you want to come back to….except they let their river go ahead and burn, so that’s nasty…

  5. Just at the villianess is about to get away with treason, AGAIN, a circle of tall masked strangers surround her and Huma in their boudoir behind the pink door. The language being whispered by the intruders sounds vaguely familiar to the old hag, who stops her clamfest on the younger female and starts screaming profanities with abandon…the circle closes in and each one slices her throat and, together with the bimbo muslim bitch, both are gutted like a sturgeon… “NOW you can say the Russians did it!”

  6. i know, i know. ALL of the media meet once a day to coordinate talking points. kinda like that scene in “they live” and shephard fairey posters of “obey” are flashed repeatedly.

  7. You need a good subplot. How about while investigating the emails of the candidate’s top aide, the FBI discovers that the aide was having a secret lesbian affair with the current first lady.

  8. Plot twist: Leaked e-mail shine light on a treasonous cash transfer to a shady state sponsor of terrorism. This cash deal was arranged by no less than the outgoing president, with full knowledge of the Secretary of State and Attorney General. As news of this nefarious activity starts to leak out, the administration needs a diversion. Enter Carlos Danger…

  9. So the woman’s Muslim Brotherhood wet nurse, Mrs. Danger should play a bigger role. Perhaps she’s just a pawn… groomed to be an obedient servant. Or maybe she’s the woman’s undoing. Sharing a device with her degenerate husband… whaaaat? Carlos is tired of looking over his shoulder and supervised visitation… he finds a get-out-of-jail-free-for-sexting-with-a-minor card. His character dies a horrible, violent death but is remembered for redeeming himself to a grateful nation and a YUUUGE phallic monument (that doubles as a cell tower) is erected in his honor some years later.

  10. Penultimate scene: FBI director alone in his study, when a team of intruders force him to hold a gun to his temple and shoot himself.

    Final Scene: Hillary takes the oath of office while Russia launches nuclear missiles at the U.S.

  11. The woman running for office has so much dirt on the media and the Republican establishment that they jump to do her bidding. In fact, she’s the one who floats the idea of having the reality star run against her in the first place, because beating him in the actual election would be a piece of cake. At the same time she gets the idea of having a communist run against her in the primary. So the media work extra hard to ensure that she runs against the communist in the primary and the reality star in the election. No way she can lose!

  12. I hate to be the harbinger of bad news, but the studio executive you pitched your idea to is obviously a Democrat and will not greenlight any work that shows a Democrat candidate for President in a bad light. You could bring in the head of John Podesta together with a video of a certain candidate hacking off said head, and your project will still be canned because “intent is not clear” and “Russians may be involved.”

    May I suggest a porno movie treatment starring a billionaire trying to convince people he didn’t really assault various women while a certain gentleman who used to live on Pennsylvia Avenue romps with young women on a sex island?

  13. A Russian ice dancer named Helga….nah, make that Olga was ice dancing her ass off (BEAuTIFUL, Pirouettes and camel throws, the whole nine yards), Joe Biden spoke up and made her a goalie….

  14. The day the FBI announces it is restarting the investigation the candidate’s aide mysteriously vanishes, only to be discovered in Saudi Arabia years later, when her hijab accidently gets blown off in a freak sandstorm.

  15. So on election eve the nasty woman candidate has a stroke, and the aide and the former president have to drag her around and make it look like nothing’s wrong for the next four years, which is made simpler by the fact that they were already having to haul her up stairs during the campaign.

  16. “Can anyone add to it so I can re-pitch it?”

    Hillary, Comey, Bill, 0bama, and Loretta Lynch, Hell, throw Mooch in there too. They all get in the plane to continue the previous conversation that Bill had with Lynch, the doors are all shut and locked. The pilot takes off. They are all pounding on the cockpit door but the pilot, a patriotic America-loving conservative, is laughing as he straps on a parachute and bails out a trap door in the floor at 30,000 feet.
    He hits a button on a remote control and the plane explodes.
    Taxes are reduced by 259%. The cost of healthcare drops by 200%. Affordable insurance is once again available. Population drops by 20 million as all illegal invaders are kicked out of the U.S. And Donald Trump makes America Great Again.

  17. I think if you push it with a happy ending, something like this:
    One bloody night, three of Washington’s most powerful politicians are executed with surgical precision. Their assassins then deliver a shocking ultimatum to the American government: set aside partisan politics and restore power to the people. No one, they warn, is out of their reach — not even the president.

    A joint FBI-CIA task force reveals the killers are elite military commandos, but no one knows exactly who they are or when they will strike next.

    Oh never mind, I just realized this book already exists. Term Limits by Vince Flynn.
    Great book and no offense, but I doubt anyone could pen a more uplifting hopeful novel.

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