My Personal Endorsement – IOTW Report

My Personal Endorsement


34 Comments on My Personal Endorsement

  1. Poll on Drudge Report has Trump at 36%, Bernie Sanders at 30% and Cruz at 20%.
    Hillary at <1%.

    I imagine liberal web sites are having the same division between Sanders and Clinton as we are with Crump.

    Hey Fur, have you created a Bernillary composite?

  2. I think I would prefer the blend of personality, principle and policies versus the blend of physical attributes.
    Makes me shudder.

    You are correct, divided we fail.
    I prefer Cruz for principles and policy.
    I will vote for Trump if he stops pissing in my corn flakes.

    A concentrated effort to accentuate the differences between the GOP candidates and Dem. candidates and their vision for the future of this Nation should be employed.

  3. It’s awful.

    Here’s the scenario, and it’s very, very dismal.

    We have a posse of gunslingers who are out to get Trump. If he wins the nomination they will be monitoring Trump’s every move throughout the process leading up to election day, cheering every Trump misstep, exaggerating every utterance, basically doing the job for the left.

    Maybe we should just let them kill Trump, have their way.
    Give it to Cruz, without using the democratic process.

    That sounds conservative.

    And if Cruz should lose after he is installed by NRO…
    That’s when the real fun begins.

  4. My FIRST reaction:

    My SECOND thought:
    “Hey, down on the ‘mean streets’ of D.C., it’s POLITICS, baby! Whatever SELLS! Woo hoo!”

  5. Funny, my endorsement is for Truz. By the by, I never realized how feminine Cruz’s face was until just now. Not saying that’s a bad thing — just never noticed it.

    Right you are — let’s just get rid of Trump and let NRO decide our next president. How have they distinguished themselves from Journolist?

  6. Yep. A visual representation of my long held best scenario, the Trump/Cruz ticket with a successful Cruz administration following an inspirational Trump administration.

  7. In normal times, I would much prefer Cruz over Trump, but these are not normal times. We are way past the point of restoring Constitutional rule by playing by those rules. I want Trump because he confronts the Democrats down in the gutter — down in the demagogic muck from which they’ve run this country for the last several generations. Remember the images in the 60’s of the “flower children” putting flowers into guardsmen gun barrels? I remember thinking “how uselessly pathetic” — but the hippies won!! Not “damn them”, but damn us for letting them get away with it. Those freaks are running this country into the ground today. We’ve both earned and need Trump, because Conservatives slept while Libtards ruined our precious Republic. Trump is our “Hail Mary pass” to lead a Conservative resurgance. We all need to start kicking Liberal ass, and Trump is a great start.

  8. I love the idea of them side by side, working together, but BLENDED together as one, not so much. Bleccch!
    But the infighting needs to stop. They need to start going after our real enemies on the left. (And everyone else on the right needs to stop too.)

  9. I’m in.

    I refuse to get mired in the back and forth about them. Doesn’t mean I don’t notice things. It means I save my disgust for the progs – the ones who think we need their elevated guidance. Of either party.

  10. yes. Czar, you need to pop that into the BP — or better yet, Pinko should run it as a post. Amazing response to NRO from someone who wouldn’t be conservative enough for them.

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