Crowder said something mean about a large-size woman who’s trying to sell a calendar featuring her semi-nude pictures. She responded back with a feminist tirade. He responds to her here ——->
Crowder’s best point, and he glosses over it quickly, is that it’s strange that these people demand that we change our biological responses to beauty. Aren’t we afforded the opportunity to simply say, “I was born this way”?
Well, I’m not going to change my “biological response” against excessive tattoos on women.
Crowder is spot on!
Being 250 pounds overweight and covered in tattoos and greasy makeup is no way
to go through life.
Signed a size 12 woman.
“Let’s do a calendar for broke men with pencil dicks and beer bellies. If women don’t find it attractive, we’ll complain until they do.”
From the comments at the link
some things are just repulsive…like pineapple on a pizza….
Regardless of what you look like, if you are going to parade yourself around for everyone to see you should expect some criticism. Get over it.
UGH-does she really believe she’s attractive?
To men, not hungry…er, make that starving bears.
How can anyone even make an honest evaluation of her body? Those tattoos are awfully distracting.
I’m guessing she did it on purpose.
Blood type — pudding !
(of course I’m a Neanderthal and easily amused)
her fan base is comprised of … other obese women, lesbians with lime green hair, anorexic gay men, and bernie voters.
in other words NO BREEDERS OF VALUE.
That’s a huge bitch!
Good Lord I wouldn’t want that thing in my bed even if the furnace wuz broke!
Well, gee … fat tattooed women need love, too!
And c’mon – “large-size” woman?
She’s fat as a fucking pig!
My first thought also. Weight gain is a problem for many people, for many reasons. But genetics plays no role in self mutilation. Well, on second thought, maybe in a way it could.
Sorry, honey, you are obese and ugly. You could probably do something to make your situation better, but you chose, instead, to get all tatted up and pretend everyone else owes you something.
I don’t know from sizes, but I’ll tell ya that if a 12 size is proportional and SMART, WITTY, SARCASTIC…they could make my world go round….
Morbid obesity says it all. She is well beyond plus sized. A healthy self-esteem is a good thing yet a healthy self-esteem does not glorify that which is repulsive. Did she post this because she loves repulsion?
I’m surprised libtards aren’t criticizing her the way they criticize smokers for costing the every one on the planet more in health care costs. Why aren’t they screeching about how she uses more than she needs and there are starving people in Lower Shithead land. Oh yeah and she’s causing global warming. Gee what would let’s move Mooch Obozo have to say? Guaranteed there isn’t one libtard on the planet who wants to sit next to her on a plane or bus or subway.
I suppose there are fetishists who would get off on her but no normal healthy male would.
If she loves living in a sea of fat, fine, but don’t expect admiration for grotesque excesses.
If my dog was that ugly I’d shave his ass and make him walk backwards.
I’m totally with Crowder, with one reservation. Unlike Lena Dunham or Amy Schumer posing nude, I think it does take courage (or stupidity) to post a Youtube video challenging the current, progressive, politically correct self-delusions. But here’s my reservation: the public’s perception of beauty HAS shifted over time. Whether it was due to a rappers’s admission that he liked big butts, or an apparently talent-free (yet inexplicably famous) woman who bares her gargantuan ass for a camera at every opportunity; women with big, fat, ugly asses are now considered attractive by at least a segment of the population. Has that always been true? Have fat ass admirers just been in the closet all this time, and now they feel free to come out and reveal their fetish? Or have beauty ideals undergone a seismic shift, similar to the shift that occurs between Kim Kardashian’s cheeks, every time she takes a step?
I looked at the photo above, and was startled by the bizarre ratio of chest/waist/hip. That’s not even good photoshop. Kudos to Crowder for consistently digging into the trenches of the culture war.
This is how she actually looks, un-retouched.
Somebody shrunk her head!
Well, as my old grandpappy used to say, she’ll keep you warm in the winter and shady in the summer…
I was just a youth, but I always though Peter Paul Rubens did some exceptional work….
What a confusing world First woman get mad if you look at them with lust and then they get mad if you don’t!
Okay … picture this: Obola doing the dirty with THAT!
Can’t, can ya?
That photo is titled “The Unfinished Burka”…
3 minute video:
Tess Munster/Holliday is a fat pig
That female is not attractive. 50% of that is because of the massive blubber, the other 50% is the nastiness of her personality.
I’m a red blooded male, and I think I speak for 90% of us –
way too skinny? Yuck.
way too fat? Yuck
Liberal nastiness? Yuck
Give me a normal conservative and HAPPY chick with some normal healthy meat on her bones and some well proportioned sweater puppies and we’ll be just fine.
Mrs. Bob is quite slender but has padding in all the right places. I often tell her she could stand to put on a few pounds.
But not 2 extra people’s worth, lol.
I can picture him squashed like a soft grape. That’s 300 pounds or more right there.
So, you can put lipstick on a pig.
That pig ain’t “Rubenesque!”
SUUUWEE HAWG, big pig? nope, she is a HAWG- SOW. they don’t make enough whiskey to hit that.
That “more of me to love” schtick got real old real fast.
If you burned the fat like whale oil you could heat your whole neighborhood.
Reminds me; What do you call a 250lb woman from Minnesota? Anorexic
I don’t think large is unattractive.
It’s other things that make someone unattractive.
People with anorexia look in the mirror and see an image that is too fat. Are people like this the opposite of that, where a morbidly obese woman looks in the mirror and sees a beautiful, healthy body? It may be a mental illness, in which case, people who go along with it for the sake of political correctness are enablers.
She’s a lardass. She has an eating disorder. She’s not sexy, she’s not sexually desirable to a normal human male. Her weight is dangerous to her health.
And she wants me to believe lies about her physical, distorted form.
My mom is nuts too, but not nearly this bad.
If I’m going to have to pay with my tax money to have her knees and hip joints replaced because she has burdened her frame with way more than it was designed to support I’m just gonna’ be pissed.
Okay, willysgoat, you hit me with a little historical perspective and made a good point, there (even if I never could really believe the Rubens ideal). But you’re still wrong about pineapple on pizza, dammit.
That line killed me!
The old dump truck versus sports car argument and the fact that between the extremes there’s the F-150 Lightning.
There’s big and firm which can be sexy, and then there’s lump of shit big, like Tess Holliday. While I likely will limit my direct exposure to a big fat greasy hog because I’ll get sick if I accidentally get a wafting of fromunda. I have no problem interacting with morbidly obese women, only I try and approach them upwind. So I guess since I’m afraid to smell them, Crowder is correct, sexual attractiveness is pretty much off the table.
Those big ears would save him from falling in.
She past Curvy Girl status about 200lbs ago. She need to start an exercise program. Starting with Push Aways. She needs to push away from the feeding trough about a half hour earlier than usual.
People want to be attractive. I remember the Charles Atlas ads in comic books as a kid and sending away for the program. Just wanting it so damn bad. Dreaming about the results. Checking on progress every day. It takes will and work and sweat. These lazy, gorging pigs want it without the work, sacrifice and dedication.
They are the welfare slugs of fitness, demanding that we pay for their ugliness with our adoration just as others demand that we pay for their food, housing, phones and WiFi with our hard-earned.
But it is a lot easier to take our hard-earned than it is to appropriate our natural reaction to beauty.
A combination of stress overeating, injury, prescription medication and menopause caused my weight to double beginning around 1993. Since then, I can’t get a white guy to ask me out to save my life. It’s all black dudes, and they all want to grab my big ass. I can say this with absolute certainty, because they always reference this body part when they’re hitting on me–they’re not at all shy in their praises.
So yes, big behinds have been popular for a long time……at least with a certain part of the population.
casting call?
How would you like to be the first white man to ask me out on a date since 1993?
Her “Miss Piggy” tat is going to be hilarious when she starts sagging with age!
I dunno.
Now I’m ascared.
or loses weight.
Brad will whip that ass into shape. First thing I would do would be
Swimming in the pool. Or walking in the pool.
The water supports the weight while you exercise.
The tattoos turn me off. There should be a theme, or something.
Her problem is her height. If she was 6′ 6″ she would be fine
Roll her in flour, then hit the wet spots.
How dare you make fun of the vertically challenged?
Privacy is a wonderful and blessed thing. Think it through.