My Strange Tub Addiction – UPDATE – IOTW Report

My Strange Tub Addiction – UPDATE



illustr8r never sent me this!! This is from JS. I’ll be getting one.


Illustr8r, God bless her, sends me tub related posts all the time. I spend a lot of time in the tub, unusually so. Chances are pretty good that I wrote this in the tub. But don’t judge me too harshly. LOOK.

In fact, I was going to do a video series called Tub Talk. I shot an entire episode, but scrubbed it (ha!) after I ruined a laptop.

So, that’s why she sends me the tub stuff.

This one, though, I’m not getting. I can see why this idea never took off.

Look at it —rowingtub

What is the idea here? You have a pan with a sharp leading edge, attached to rubber bands, and you pull the leading edge at your throat. Do the math.

I don’t think this was ever perfected, like they claim, but I have no doubt it was developed in a sanitarium.

How many people were found dead in their tub after using this ridiculous apparatus?

I look forward to the next tub related email.



34 Comments on My Strange Tub Addiction – UPDATE

  1. Lame idea. The faucet handle could come off and knock his ass out.

    I remember having a tub kind of like that one when I was a kid. Damn thing could stop a bullet. Always liked the claws.

  2. Jeez….I thought I was the only one. I love my bathtub. I read, think, and surf several times a day in my cast iron tub. Not fiberglass crap. It is my little place of peace and tranquility.

  3. You can race in them too:

    This was a pretty big thing when I was going to school there in the mid 1980’s (Southern Tech, now Southern Polytechnic University). A cast iron tub on wheels with a gas engine, it was up to the engineering students to design, build and race them.

    Over the years they became more sophisticated and could reach pretty decent speeds. In the mid to late 90’s (I think) the panty waist administrators stopped the event due to supposed safety reasons (even though no one had ever been hurt in a race for the 35 or so years they were held). I’m guessing that the insurance companies actually pulled the plug on it based on the potential “risk”.

  4. My father told me when I was young the bathtub was for children like me and women.
    So when he thought I was as old enough he let me use his bathroom that only had a shower.
    The water was so hot I thought I would die. But I didn’t. Never sat in a tub since.

  5. People started taking showers right about the same time that men started becoming less manly. It’s a fairly recent invention.
    There’s nothing unmanly about taking a bath.
    I like to soak in a hot tub at least once a week (and use the shower the other days. Ha, ha. You thought you were gonna catch me only bathing once a week like my manly ancestors).

  6. Churchill was also a big fan of bathing in the tub. In fact, one time, while visiting Roosevelt at the White House, he had just emerged from the tub and was stark naked, when Roosevelt came into his guest room to talk.
    Didn’t faze Churchill in the least — said he had “nothing to hide.”

  7. A bath is not for getting clean.
    A bath is for a contemplative soak, (after a good scrubbing in the shower) where a man of measure can set aside his cares for the day.
    A bath is a tonic for the mind, therapy for the body, and a balm for the soul. Where a man can gather his thoughts, marshal his forces, and realign his world view, and prepare his mental faculties for the days to come.

  8. Also on Churchhill, he was on a train that was delayed in the middle of nowhere when a he spoted a cast-iron bathtub in the baggage car, he then had it removed and filled with the hot water from the steam engine and took a bath right beside the train in view of everybody on the train. I think the guy liked his water and splashing about naked when he had opportunities.

  9. I never bath. Bathing removes the natural oils and leads to the flux.
    Besides that, I can’t piss into my own mouth when lying in a tub!

    wait – that don’t sound rite – there was this game the guys played when we were kids – well, ya’ll don’t need to heare about that, neither …

  10. If you want to really relax, put a couple of cups of epsom salts in your bath water. It’s a form of magnesium, which relaxes your muscles. It’s an old natural remedy, even used by NFL players.

  11. I think it has been ar least 40 years since I was last in a bathtub. Actually, I get in one almost daily, to use the shower.

    Unfortunately I spend as little time as possible grooming, it’s just another chore. I’m hygenic, I take care of what’s important but drawing a bath seems it would add more time to the task.

  12. Wasn’t whats-his-name killed in his bath?

    A Saint or something … I remember seeing a photo of the painting.

    And didn’t Eli Wallach shoot that mexican dude from his bath?

    Bathtubs are dangerous – and should probably be banned …

    izlamo delenda est …

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