My womanhood is not your costume – IOTW Report

My womanhood is not your costume

h/t Blazing Cat Fur.

By inviting trans TikTokker Dylan Mulvaney, Biden is entertaining delusion at the White House.

Amber Athey

Today is my 10,369th day of “girlhood”.I don’t have a bow in my hair, nor am I wearing a Barbie pink dress. But I am still a woman. Because I was born one. Because I am.I will always pray that people suffering from gender dysphoria are able to find peace with who they are. However, I do not have any sympathy for those who play-act as women using hackneyed stereotypes, pretend to speak for us — and then have the stones to tell us we are the problem when we don’t comply with their delusion.

Such is the case with Dylan Mulvaney. Despite not actually being a woman and even only “identifying” as such for less than a year, Mulvaney has somehow become the woman du jour.Mulvaney is a TikTok influencer with over 8 million followers and a viral series he calls, “Days of Girlhood”. His portrayal of his “transition” in the series is littered with cartoonish portrayals of womanhood — take Day One, where Mulvaney insists he cried several times for no apparent reason because, obviously, women are constantly PMSing and thus incapable of controlling their emotions. Later in his journey, Mulvaney describes planning the perfect slumber party, despite most women I know leaving group sleepovers behind in middle school. He also has a shopping addiction and cries when he sees bugs. Cute. more

23 Comments on My womanhood is not your costume

  1. He and all like him are sick in the head. Woke society panders to such telling them they are normal and to say otherwise is a terrible wrong. Which makes me include woke society as being sick in the head also. Mental disorders do not change reality they only expose that something is wrong. Wrong with choices made many years ago I suspect as these things don’t happen overnight but gradually. I am only grateful I have a bit of sense and the will to stand up for what I believe is truth.
    A wise man once said we’re all crazy, some are just crazier than others.

  2. i have citizenship dysphoria. I was born and raised in the U.S. but I identify as a cayman islander therefore I demand the IRS treat me as such and part of that means I cannot be forced to pay or even file federal income taxes since there is no such thing as federal income taxes in the Cayman islands.

  3. Not a woman. Pretending to be a woman.
    The ultimate cultural appropriation.
    I think, except for the losers who want to compete against women so they can pretend they Won,these people are just hiding from what it is to be a man.

  4. The mental illness will become too much for him and we’ll find out that he left behind a suicide note, as he can’t cope in the modern world and it was too tough living a dream with too many homophobic, white supremacist conservatives in this world. ***yawn***

  5. So it is ok to stereotype now?
    I am a woman.
    I don’t wear makeup because I don’t need to hide anything, such as a 5 o’clock shadow.
    I don’t have to tuck anything.
    I spent 39 years with my monthly friend and never once announced it to the world.
    I don’t scream or cry or run away from bugs. I will try to take a picture to send to my niece who finds all types of creepy crawly creatures fascinating.
    I am smart, strong, and have a wicked sense of humor.
    I am also, along with all my sisters from other mothers, your worst effing nightmare, Girly Boy.
    Come visit us some time. You will not know what hit your pansy ass.

  6. The whole thing is nothing more than modern blackface aimed squarely at women. Exaggerated looks, mannerisms, and stereotypes but instead of an ethnic theme, it is female themed.

  7. Smarmy little weak faggot thinks a pretend pussy makes him ever so special.

    Our Luciferian culture celebrates and provides the attention and validation he never received as a man. He has to mock and impose himself as an imposter on womanhood.

    20 years ago this freak would have been excommunicated, now he’s a hero of modern America.

    Until women reject this perversion of their gender en masse it will not stop.

    Now that these perverts are actively grooming children maybe women will draw the line and stop voting for demons by a 70% margin.

  8. To all you people on iOtw who are smarter than me, if cultural appropriation refers to the use of objects or elements of a non-dominant culture (like women?) in a way that reinforces stereotypes or contributes to oppression, then why isn’t men pretending to be women considered cultural appropriation?

  9. Kids in grade school mimicking people who suffer a real, painful mental condition used to get their asses paddled. Today “teachers” encouraging it and rewarded for propagating it. This is a battle between The Good and Satan and his minions, it’s simple as that.

  10. Dylan Mulvaney is a circus sideshow attraction right along with the gimp who bites the heads off of chickens and a bearded lady.

    We live in the Age of Stupidity.

  11. I agree with Billy Fuster. I’ve been watching this guy for some time now and believe him to be a brilliant parody comic. He completely exaggerates “girly” characteristics and I’d bet that, if anyone dared question him on it, would be labeled transphobic. Once you see it from that angle, you can’t un-see it.
    He is hilarious, can’t be stopped until he decides to stop, and, with his rising profile and popularity, is taking it to the bank.

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