Mychal Massie: The gleeful blindness of ‘colored’ people – IOTW Report

Mychal Massie: The gleeful blindness of ‘colored’ people

WND: I’ll concede that it’s difficult to say for sure if House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., the top “colored” person in the House, was throwing Obama under the bus or seeking to shade his masters. What isn’t in question is that yet again, the neo-Leninist Marxian elapids have made it clear they cannot do anything without injecting the falsity of skin color.

I daresay in the history of all creation, and that includes the creation of the heavenly hosts, no group has been more misled than those prostituting the lie of skin color. Satan was able to mislead one-third of the angels in heaven to follow him. To that point, it can be biblically argued Democrats are the progeny of those led by Satan. And none are more committed to being single-mindedly blind than those who embrace being a so-called skin color as a theology. Tragically, the portion of Americans who don’t share the amount of surface melanin the Clyburn types do have been so thoroughly indoctrinated with the lie of skin color that they too follow blindly, embracing the rejection of modernity.

Specific to my point, Clyburn insulted much of America by claiming the only thing it would have taken for Hillary Clinton to defeat Donald Trump in 2016 was for Obama to nominate a “black crayon” woman to the Supreme Court, instead of nominating Merrick Garland, “an old white man,” as the Oprah Winfrey tribe is wont to call him. read more

h/t NAAC

10 Comments on Mychal Massie: The gleeful blindness of ‘colored’ people

  1. The Marxists tell us blacks can’t be racist as they have no power.

    I give you Jim Clyburn (D) SC, US Rep Majority WHIP (pun intended), one of the biggest racist (among many) in one of the highest, most powerful positions in the nation.

  2. Following his logic the only reason Obama won in 2008 was because he was black, which if that were to be accepted

    Disagreeing that Barack Obama was elected purely because of skin color, makes one a poor liar. And possibly retarded. But then, merely a retarded liar. Which is not better.

    Oh! I’m sorry, Judeo-Christian Boomers. Mea Culpa.


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