Mysterious Explosion in Central Park Severs a Man’s Left Foot – IOTW Report

Mysterious Explosion in Central Park Severs a Man’s Left Foot

The blast was near Elie Wiesel’s funeral. But it’s most likely that the two incidents are not at all related.


A blast in Central Park severed the left foot of a young man visiting New York from northern Virginia Sunday, witnesses said.

The NYPD’s bomb squad was investigating the area of the park near E. 68th St. and Fifth Ave.

Cops at the scene suspected a mishap involving fireworks and said it did not appear an explosive device caused the boom heard from blocks away around 11 a.m.

His foot was “all but gone,” one witness said.

Two of the victim’s shocked friends described the ghastly sight moments before being taken away in an ambulance.

“We don’t know what happened. There was a small explosion and then dust,” said one friend who didn’t give his name. “We really don’t know.”

“We don’t know the caliber of the firework,” said the second friend.

Police said they were responding to an “amputation incident.” Medics rushed the victim to Bellevue Hospital.

The explosion was heard by attendees of Elie Wiesel’s funeral on E. 61st St. — though there was no sign the blast was related to the memorial for the Pulitzer Prize winning Holocaust survivor.

Witness John Murphy, 53, said he tried to keep the young man conscious following the explosion.

“I saw his friends standing there panicking. I saw the young man laying on the grass. His foot is all but gone.  His friends claimed he was walking down the rocks and he stepped on it. It looks like there was an explosion,” Murphy said.

He asked the group if they were carrying fireworks or something similar.

“They said, ‘We didn’t have anything. He stepped on something!” Murphy recalled.

“It was an explosive of some sort. The damage is just awful. I didn’t see any metal. It was very weird.”

He said the victim remained conscious.

“He’s a very tough young man. He’s got a very severe injury,” he said. “We just stayed with him, held his hand and tried to keep him present and make sure he didn’t go into shock.”

Sara Gordon, 27, was also nearby at the time of the explosion.

“His left foot looked severed. It was very graphic,” she said. “I was running back and forth to direct the police here. It sounded like a cannon. I thought it was a 4th of July thing.”


20 Comments on Mysterious Explosion in Central Park Severs a Man’s Left Foot

  1. If it’s a military type land mine, there would be recognizable parts around
    the blast area. Any EOD could tell it’s military.
    Probably someone building his own firework.

  2. You can legally buy some awfully powerful fireworks in the young man’s home state of Virginia. They’re on sale in kiosks in many shopping center parking lots. “M80’s” are about the equivalent of 1/4 stick of TNT. Carelessness is probably but not definitely the explanation for the incident.

  3. Bad_Brad, the guy who said he heard one the day before,loud nough to scare him out of the area, sounds like a dry run. Or maybe it pink-misted a squirrel. I bet it’s some freak who profiles like the Beltway sniper.

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