Mystery Solved: DOJ Secretly Thwarted Release of Russia Documents Declassified By Trump – IOTW Report

Mystery Solved: DOJ Secretly Thwarted Release of Russia Documents Declassified By Trump

Just The News-

In the final hours of the Trump presidency, the U.S. Justice Department raised privacy concerns to thwart the release of hundreds of pages of documents that Donald Trump had declassified to expose FBI abuses during the Russia collusion probe, and the agency then defied a subsequent order to release the materials after redactions were made, according to interviews and documents.

The previously untold story of how highly anticipated declassified material never became public is contained in a memo obtained by Just the News from the National Archives that was written by then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows just hours before Trump left office on noon of Jan. 20, 2021.

Meadows’ memo confirmed prior reporting by Just the News that Trump on Jan. 19, 2021 declassified a binder of hundreds of pages of sensitive FBI documents that show how the bureau used informants and FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign and misled both a federal court and Congress about flaws in the evidence they offered to get approval for the investigation.

The declassified documents included transcripts of intercepts made by the FBI of Trump aides, a declassified copy of the final FISA warrant approved by an intelligence court, and the tasking orders and debriefings of the two main confidential human sources, Christopher Steele and Stefan Halper, the bureau used to investigate whether Trump had colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election.

In the end, multiple investigations found there was no such collusion and that the FBI violated rules and misled the FISA court in an effort to keep the probe going.

The documents that Trump declassified never saw the light of day, even though they were lawfully declassified by Trump and the DOJ was instructed by the president though Meadows to expeditiously release them after redacting private information as necessary. more

13 Comments on Mystery Solved: DOJ Secretly Thwarted Release of Russia Documents Declassified By Trump

  1. It’s hard for me to maintain hope for this Republic amidst the daily exposure of corruption and the degenerative disease infesting itself into the institutions. However, I most credit President Trump for exposing the fraud on the American patriots and defining our true enemy.

    PS. I don’t trust Meadows.

  2. With their flagrant disregard for the law at all levels, does anyone think they will even care about the results of an election? Let’s face it, they seized power in 2020 (of all three houses) and they are NOT about to give it up. If massive cheating doesn’t get the job done, I can see them just ignoring an unfavorable election.

  3. Doesn’t matter which court tells them to do what they’re supposed to. They’ll just slap their chests and say, “Make me” then go off to their next corrupt operation.

  4. A hallmark of a dictocracia is the consolodation of power — by any means — as soon as they have “won” the election. The Dems have yet to dominate the Supreme Court and they are working on complete corruption of the electoral process, including invoking the 14th Amendment to exclude “insurrectionists” from holding public office, candidacy for public office and voting.

  5. In the final hours of the Trump presidency, the U.S. Justice Department raised privacy concerns

    So. The documents that would prove one team of The Party committed treason… and another team of The Party was (completely) corrupt… were turned over to those exact teams? To be “vetted”? Only after The Donald left the building?

    Should “we” just call him… politically unserious? Is that euphemistic enough? For MAGA?

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