N. Dakota Town May Disolve Itself To Thwart White Supremist – IOTW Report

N. Dakota Town May Disolve Itself To Thwart White Supremist

A stranger came to Leith, North Dakota a few years back and began buying up lots. The man then started to encourage white supremacists to move there and join him to create their own little enclave. The 18 residents of Leith held them off, but now two individuals suspected of being white supremacist have gotten themselves elected to the town’s city council.

The current city government is considering decertifying itself as a city, thus eliminating the position of mayor and city council as a means to prevent the suspected white supremacist from pursuing a racist agenda. More

12 Comments on N. Dakota Town May Disolve Itself To Thwart White Supremist

  1. Gee I can’t think of any reason a person would have that point of view. He should know that whites are the one exception for being allowed to think like that.

  2. It’s not a matter of Whites being late to the game.
    It’s not a matter of Whites not controlling the game.
    It’s a matter of Whites being in denial that a “game” exists at all.
    Which DOES lead to the logical conclusion that, if everyone else sees it…
    SURVIVAL or NOT? Pick ONE, Whites.
    (recent reference: South Africa)

    It’s really that simple.

  3. The white supremacist served four years probation for “Terrorizing the Town”. That sounds like a bullshit charge by a self-hating white pansy mayor. If jamaat al fuqra moved in, he’d be handing them the keys to town.

    And I sincerely hope the mayor’s hostility isn’t based on anything from the SPLC.

  4. There is a documentary on this somewhere. Documentaries can definitively show a bias to be sure but what was compelling for me was actual footage of Cobb and another guy walk down the street with guns and coming for the person who was holding the camera. It was a righteous convention.

    I still hold with Martin’s dream that my children “will by judged by the content of the character and not the color of their skin”. Or rather- I don’t give a rats tail what color your skin is or necessarily by what name you call God. If you believe the Bill of Rights are absolute then I stand with regardless of what you look like or your accent. If you don’t your a libtard and I have vowed to fight you forever.

  5. @Pelopidas June 27, 2018 at 6:47 pm

    I respect you holding to your articles of faith. But, before you commit to who you’d rather stand before, and who beside: Some people don’t hold that a patch, even a really good patch, is ever good enough to die for. And if it’s already failed? Well, them’s ain’t even fighhtin’ words.

  6. Should have used the property to build a mosque for white people, that way you could hate everybody that isn’t a muslim, preach hate, advocate murder and no one would care.

  7. Old story – he’s been trying to drum this up for almost 5 years. I think he did recruit about 5 people to come but they all bailed out. ND is NOT for idiots and scumbags. One actually has to work hard to live here.


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