N.J. Dem Defends Hashtag Incitement to Violence Against Republicans – IOTW Report

N.J. Dem Defends Hashtag Incitement to Violence Against Republicans


Soon after the shooting of Representative Steve Scalise (R-LA) this week, James Devine decided to be divisive by creating the hashtag HuntRepublicanCongressmen. When confronted for his attempt to generate publicity for himself, Devine responded with a non-apology suggesting that the right started the call for violence first.

Devine is a political consultant for New Jersey state democrats with a number of questionable incidents in his past. In other words, your basic scumbag.


Perhaps the FBI needs to have a little heart to heart with Mr. Devine.

22 Comments on N.J. Dem Defends Hashtag Incitement to Violence Against Republicans

  1. James J Devine is a Sick, Twisted, Foolish, Coward who should be glad he doesn’t receive a Marine Corps ass-whipping which would wipe that smirk off of his ugly face. May the Lord GOD Almighty take out that heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh that beats for the things of GOD alone.

  2. Well, he won’t be consulting in the political business anymore.

    Imagine in 2018 and a NJ politician hired him. The first ad by their Republican opponent is a picure of the shot, bleeding congressman with the hashtag Devine wrote with the caption “The same man that wrote this Hashtag that incites more violance is Jan Doe’s senior adviser”.

    And the election would be over.

  3. If we say it enough, repeat and repeat it and get it on CNN; then THEY will believe it! Chant With Me!

    “James Devine is a political consultant for New Jersey state REPUBLICANS…..”

  4. A heart to heart exchange is OK, I was thinking more in terms of knuckles to teeth. See how many swings it takes before he starts spitting his teeth.I am not advocating violence, I just wonder how this leach would feel if he were on the receiving end of violence. We would never hear the end of it!

  5. All the brains of a hacked up hairball!

    C’mon, buddy-boyo–let’s see you walk down a few streets of southside Chicago with that jacket slung over the shoulder. You’d be mugged and left for dead in about 30 seconds!!! #DevineAin’tAllThere

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