Nadler Invites President To Appear Before Judiciary Committee – IOTW Report

Nadler Invites President To Appear Before Judiciary Committee

Washington Times

House Democrats extended an official invite Tuesday to President Trump to participate in the impeachment process, offering his team a chance to be part of a hearing next week on the Constitution’s meaning of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler announced the Dec. 4 hearing and told Mr. Trump to let him know if he wants to have representation. More

17 Comments on Nadler Invites President To Appear Before Judiciary Committee

  1. It had better be a big room as Fat Ass Nads butt will take up most of it! Also, why are the dirt-bags seated on expensive high backed overstuffed chairs? They should all be forced to sit on metal fold up chairs which more befits their station in life and would help to shorten the circus!

  2. Only if he can have his cheerleaders sitting behind him like at his rally’s. And they’d get to clap and boo at dem clowns.The Dems have nothing on him. So now they want him to testify and then they’ll try to trip him up. Don’t do it President Trump!!

  3. A fair process. That would have been wrapping this crap up when their own damn witnesses said he has not committed an impeachable offense and there was no quid pro quo I just want him to do the right thing. There is no reason to participate and give this a reason to be watched.

  4. Supernightshade
    NOVEMBER 27, 2019 AT 10:17 AM
    ““He says: ‘Your offer of a meeting is refused. I have ofttimes met your treachery and this all men know.”
    -Frank Herbert, “Dune”

    …just so everyone knows, I thought of this because it seemed apt, but MOSTLY because Jerry Nadler only needs a suspensor suit and ginger hair dye to be Baron Harkonnen…


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