American Thinker:
On August 8, 2019, Jerry Nadler (D-NY), the House Judiciary Committee Chairman, appeared on CNN and confirmed that his committee has officially launched “formal impeachment proceedings” into the alleged misconduct of President Donald Trump.
Now, this is huge news. Or is it?
“This is formal impeachment proceedings,” Nadler said. “We are investigating all the evidence, we’re gathering the evidence and we will at the conclusion of this, hopefully by the end of the year, vote to, vote articles of impeachment to the House floor or we won’t. That’s a decision that we’ll have to make. But that – that’s exactly the process we’re in right now.”
Notice the words “formal impeachment,” “all the evidence,” and “conclusion.”
Now check this out: “we are investigating,” “we’re gathering,” “hopefully,” “we will […] vote […] or we won’t” and “a decision that we’ll have to make.”
Nadler is performing the we will/we won’t dance around impeachment. more
Nadler = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z4StsU6D2M
Nads-lure is a distraction. Epstein scandals are going to be devastating to the communists. Team Clinton wants you focusing on nothing burgers, such as this disposable piece of shit destined for quality under-the-bus time.
Has he contacted Dean Wormer to see if it’s double secret probation impeachment….Otter has his wife with a ball gag and cucumber salad with croutons….
‘Notice that growth on his head’ ?
Gonna wait for:
1: a real determination of Epstein death.
2: Another planned ‘John Mccain’ 2 month scheduled blood clot removal,,,
If you ever had a blood clot, you know this is sh*t, and it’s not contagious.
(except between Democrats) so the MSM will lead you to believe.
That “tectonic” eyebrow is great!
Nadler just doesn’t have enough to do. Why limit yourself to the president when you can go after a sitting supreme court justice also?
Matt Vespa is taking a page out of Kurt Schlichter’s “book” and you swear it was written by Schlichter.
This one pisses me off major league…
Trump is clearly a good, healthy representative of white, Christian, true Americans. But there are some who seem to want to corrode and ruin our white, CHRISTIAN heritage. Some are trying anything they can to end his strong, logical, healthy leadership. Nadler, Schiff, Schumer, Rosenstein, all media moguls, Cohen etc…hmmm…If only there was a common thread there….
‘Umpa lumpa lumpady doo
I’ve got another puzzle for you
If you want to impeach BadOrangeMan
You better find some evidence then
Even though there is nothing there
Pull some crap out of your derrière
‘Cause you’re just a clown like The Penguin & Pelosi too
And we are laughing at you, just like the Umpa Lumpas do!
He understands there is a comprehensive buffet provided during the impeachment hearings. That’s really his only motivation.
That eyebrow should be arrested for trespassing.
Nadler is saying/agreeing with the statement that there “effectively” is an impeach inquiry only because there are pending enforcement actions in court pertaining to his gazillion intrusive, harassing subpoenas for information Congress has no right to demand otherwise.
He’s a pathetic and angry little fat man who’s been recklessly given a position of authority to work out his insecurities.
Nadless is “formally” opening impeachment proceedings before opening an investigation.
He does seem like the type who orders his dessert before he’s eaten his vegetables.
I just like the leech on his face/head that keeps moving from article to article…LOL
Nadless dancing would be a scene from Happy Feet or perhaps the Penguin jousting with his umbrella vs Batman…what a maroon.
Oh dear, this is embarrassing.
Shit or get off the pot, Fatboy.
Nadler is one nasty little troll.
I bet he’s REALLY glad that Epstein is dead.
Nadler dancing – I get this mental image of the tutu-wearing Hippos in Fantasia…
Once a crook always a crook…