NAFTA Protesters Stormed Biden Event In Michigan – IOTW Report

NAFTA Protesters Stormed Biden Event In Michigan

OAN: Protests erupted at a Joe Biden rally on the eve of a major multi-state primary vote. In Detroit, Michigan on Monday, multiple demonstrators disrupted the Biden event by yelling and holding signs reading “NAFTA killed our jobs.”

The protesters were then escorted out of the gymnasium, however, Biden urged his staff to “let them go.” He then used the situation to take shots at President Trump and his Democrat campaign rival Bernie Sanders. He called the demonstrators “Bernie Bros” and claimed this is the type of division President Trump has caused for today’s America.

“Let ’em go…this not a Trump rally…the ‘Bernie Bros’ are here, let em go,” he urged. “Look, this is what’s wrong with American politics today.” more

6 Comments on NAFTA Protesters Stormed Biden Event In Michigan

  1. Be ready for all hell to break out in Seattle tonight as Bernouts find out they got creamed. Rose City ANTIFA in Portland could go on the warpath too. My sources tell me that they have been stoking the fires with charges that the Democrat establishment has been rigging the Primary vote totals. Now, here is something that gives them cause to latch onto that – they know from first hand participation that Democrat Political machines engaging in election fraud is not only a stone cold natural fact, it is a way of life.

    Democrat insiders are aware that their voters get to decide nothing. It is a top down operation all the way. Unfortunately for the Democrat machine former insiders are now among the hordes that are in full rebellion.

  2. face it Bern Bro’s & Ho’s, the D’Rats stole this from you since Iowa

    … you’re just too stupid to understand

    but, hey … by all means, Tear It Down!!!! … because, uh … whatever

  3. NAFTA was 100% Bill Clinton’s doing. Place the blame where it belongs. Joe Biden is a Clinton suck up and most likely voted for it in his life long Senatorial career. NAFTA opened the door for Democrat politicians to graft billion$ from foreign governments in sweet under the table trade deals. Wake up people, Democrat politicians are in it for the money.

  4. If there’s anything that drives me even deeper into my faith, it’s watching and hearing a room full of lunatics — even if they are protesting for the right things — at a Democrat political rally. It makes me think of what Hell must be like. “Hey, hey! Ho, ho!” for all eternity. Think about it and repent!


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