Naked Exercising Sweeping the Nation – IOTW Report

Naked Exercising Sweeping the Nation

Naked Exercising Is Sweeping the Nation, and because of this, now the country really needs sweeping.

Where is this happening? England. (Can’t wait for the Muslim overlords to get wind of this.)

Yes, the link is filled with fat, pasty Brits doing squats and jumping jacks. And these English Muffins  are filled with nooks and crannies. I didn’t really look all that long, but I do believe it’s the crannies that are a real problem.

ht/ fdr FROM hell.

23 Comments on Naked Exercising Sweeping the Nation

  1. “The focus is to allow people to take part in a normal activity, but naked, so people don’t feel they are doing anything unusual.”

    Haha! Or they could, rather, go to a regular exercise class, with clothes on.

  2. At the gym you have to wipe down your equipment after using it. Because, you know, you probably got some sweat on there. Because sweat, ewww that’s gross.

    Now, with this, you’d have to wipe it down because you may have got fumundacheese on there. Or twat juice. Or assmatter.

    This is really unsanitary.

  3. Really stupid.

    But even worse, too bad the sheeple don’t know the truth. If you want to be lean and fit it’s the diet, stupid. Not the exercise.

    If you don’t get the diet fixed you can exercise all you want, it will do nothing. Because that’s not why you are fat.

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