Naked Shorts – IOTW Report

Naked Shorts


In essence, what [hedge fund manager] Ken Griffin is doing now is shorting the Trump stock he doesn’t control or borrow against.  He’s naked shorting the Trump media stock, which is illegal and seriously unethical.  Devin Nunes, CEO of Truth Social, has tracked the available stock and notes; there is no way for Citadel and others to sell short positions, because there is no stock available for borrowing.   Nunes knows the scheme Ken Griffin is attempting. More

9 Comments on Naked Shorts

  1. Meanwhile the Republican establishment is maneuvering the House into being under a Democrat majority. They have been busy in the the smoky back rooms and bathhouses in and around DC horse trading trading with Democrats on how to best set everything up so that in January when Trump is back in office they can thwart any and all legitimate investigations into EXACTLY what has been going down regarding the Covid scam, election interference and outright theft, the Ukrainian Corruption Clearing House and One Stop Money Laundering Shop, etc etc ad infinitum.

    It is so nakedly transparent what is going on right now with these rat fuckers that Ray Charles can see it.

  2. The Republican establishment cannon maintain the illusion that they are the “good guys” opposed to the unfettered corruption and daylight money laundering by the Democrats and Republican establishment in elected and appointed office and block the investigations. Throw the House to Democrats and they can block and interfere with each and every legitimate investigation and the press, Fox News in particular, will chalk it up to partisan politics.

    It’s so obvious to anyone who is paying attention and can put two and two together. That, my friends is why they started in the 1960’s with the fucking nonsensical horse shit that perhaps two and two don’t necessarily equal four and today are trying to get students to accept the equally absurd notion that boys can be girls and girls can be boys.

    They don’t want anyone able to look at the evidence and be able to figure it out threough the powers of pattern recognition and reason. What is true is what they tell you is true and you Goddamned well better accept what they tell you. or else. Or else what? Well, the rotten nasty cock suckers are all invested in following their ideological allies in China and implementing a Social Credit Score basis for making you into a non entity.

    Keep your fucking powder dry.

  3. @JDHasty:

    Meanwhile the Republican establishment is maneuvering the House into being under a Democrat majority. They have been busy in the the smoky back rooms and bathhouses in and around DC horse trading with Democrats…

    I suggest we ought to be calling it whores trading.


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