Naked Trump Statue Appears in 5 Cities – IOTW Report

Naked Trump Statue Appears in 5 Cities

The one in New York was glued to the ground in Union Square.

Replicas of the statue also appeared in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Cleveland, and Seattle.

The one in San Francisco is being tested for HIV. That’s right, I made a gay joke. I’m mean and I’m a bully, just like Trump.

Of course, if Trump responds to this statue it clearly means he’s going to drop a nuke on Pakistan, and Hillary, the most corrupt politician in America today, and one who has responded to attacks upon her by having the IRS go after people, is more fit to be president. That’s the way it works in kookyland.

Reason has the rest of the story.

ht/ illustr8r.


25 Comments on Naked Trump Statue Appears in 5 Cities

  1. And the ” equal representation” under the law failed because the ‘Hillary’ statue closed the holland tunnel and temporarialy blinded 4500 sisters of the poor…

  2. Yep, and the guy who painted a pic of a saggy tit Hillary on a wall was forced to paint over it. (He ended up painting a burka on her) Just another example of how the left protects Hillary…

  3. It’s the left’s wet-dream. The left wants to destroy dignity. That’s what they would do to him or anyone like him if they could. I’m surprised that the statue is just standing there, could be a lot worse, considering. Maybe it’s part one.

  4. guess what didn’t happen? Those that witnessed this childish stunt were not persuaded to switch to the witch. Smug leftists chortled to themselves and nothing of importance happened.

    Much paper machiete about nothing.

  5. Cheap locker room immature bull shit from a guy that admits he can’t defend himself. I’m surprised he’s lived this long. But than again I imagine he only insults people on line because he’s had his pathetic ass stomped before. Same old shit though. If you’re losing the argument turn to personal insults. I bet this little muther fucket tourchers animals too.

  6. Bad Brad,

    What we are witnessing is someone who, having failed at persuading and reasoning (if they ever could), nevertheless cannot resist the urge to sabotage.

    I’m only debating whether it’s better to bat the sh!t out of the little bugger, like a cat does a dead mouse, or would it be safer to admit he spreads his thoughts (like he does his butt cheeks for a living) like HIV and keep distance.


    JohnS has earned a little of both!

  7. But we’d better stop showing pictures of Hillary with a catheter up he leg, being carried up the stairs, having a fugue state, nodding off onstage, disappearing during a debate, etc., because it will create sympathy for poor little Hillary.

  8. Why are these statues only in blue cities? Wouldn’t it be more effective to put them in places where Trump has the most support? Admittedly, I am assuming that these things are something more than inflatable clown punching bags for infantile lefties. They are trying to get votes with these, right?

    Or is it just Alinsky rules 5 and 6 to keep them from attacking the real Trump and his supporters? Maybe the Dem natives are getting restless and about to do something stupid and counterproductive to the Hillary narrative. Bring on the bread & circus.

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