Name something more unlikely… – IOTW Report

Name something more unlikely…

“Biden winning election” – Bubba

51 Comments on Name something more unlikely…

  1. Oh Mr.Fur. You win. There is no need for anybody else to reply.
    You cannot be out done.
    I am laughing my ass off and I bow to your greatness

  2. I watched the movie Trainwreck, for the single reason that a friend of a friend was in it (the legendary Norman Lloyd). I think Schumer’s real reason for doing the movie was to leverage her uncalled-for fame into having sex scenes with John Cena.

    BTW that meme isn’t very realistic – I guarantee there were more than a billion rounds expended in WWI.

  3. Where to begin?
    Bill Clinton having sex with Hillary.
    Barry Obama having sex with a woman.
    Micheal Obama not having a wiener.
    The FBI actually investigating crimes committed by their members.
    Congress doing something to benefit the American people.
    Joe Biden finding his way to the Oval Office on his own.
    Kamala Harris refusing to exchange sexual favors for personal and career advancement.

    I’ll be back after lunch with some more.

  4. …how about THIS bullet based story for unlikely…

    “When the surgeon examined the infantryman, he found that a bullet had broken the fellow’s leg and then ricocheted up, passing through his scrotum. As he was administering first aid to the soldier, Captain Capers was approached by the mother from the house to the rear. Apparently one of her daughters also had been wounded.

    Upon examining the young woman, Capers found a jagged wound in her abdomen, but he was unable to tell where the object had lodged. He administered what aid he could for such a serious wound, and he was quite pleased to see that she did recover from the injury.

    Eight Months Later …
    Thereafter it was a full eight months before the captain and his regiment passed through the same area, at which time he was quite surprised to find the young woman very pregnant. Within a month, she delivered a healthy baby boy whose features were quite similar to those of the young soldier who had been wounded at nearly the same instant the girl had been struck nine months earlier. The surgeon hypothesized that the bullet that struck the soldier had carried sperm into the young woman’s uterus and that she had conceived.”


    Yeah, soldiers, I wouldn’t suggest you try this story on the wife back home, but as Shakespeare once said, “There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, / Than are dreamt of in your philosophy”, so you never know, the Lord CAN have quite a sense of humor at times and it can be as ineffable as the more storied Peace of God is, so maybe it’s not only true but a cosmic joke as well..

  5. TimBuktu
    FEBRUARY 16, 2021 AT 12:55 PM
    “Donald Trump getting a sex-change operation and wearing a dress and high heels.”

    “I’d hit that!” -Bill Clinton

    “I’d want that to hit ME!” -Barry “Barak Obama” Soetoro

    “That’s my husband!” -2016 Hillary Clinton

  6. Whats wrong with Amy Schumer? Just put a bag on her head and roll her over onto her belly and hump her … like you did to your pillow when you were 12 years old. I’ll bet her soft porky ass would make a totally adequate hump pillow

  7. TimBuktu, if an elephant and a chihuahua mate, who’s on top? And SNS, Mitt Romney’s Mormon (moron) underwear won’t get him into Heaven any more than a flag decal would like in John Prine’s song But Your Flag Decal Won’t Get You Into Heaven Anymore.

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