Name That Tune – IOTW Report

Name That Tune

While many rightly focused on the heartrending moment Kyle Rittenhouse broke down on the stand yesterday, there was another instant of humanity when Judge Bruce Shroeder’s phone went off in the middle of admonishing the prosecution.

What made it an instant classic was the tune that the judge uses for his ring tone. If you can name that tune in the notes played out in court you’re indeed a patriot of the highest order. Watch

The answer Here

14 Comments on Name That Tune

  1. I heard the answer earlier this afternoon. The judge is clearly a Trump supporter, a white supremacist and thus a racist. Any ruling he makes – if against the left’s narrative and expectation – will be declared null and void.

  2. Brad –

    “…“The judge is clearly a Trump supporter”

    Nope, just a Lee Greenwood fan. Prove me wrong…”

    I hate to make an incorrect assumption, but you are aware that that is what the left are saying, and that I was mocking them? Because your comment doesn’t sound like it.

  3. Now don’t tell me God doesn’t have a sense of humor and perfect timing.

    (The entire persecution team should be disbarred over this circus. Did anyone else come to hate the word “pixels” yesterday?)

  4. As for the Left’s disapproval: It’s really just the same old Fake News people who are outraged — NYSlimes, CNN, Vanity Fair, NPR (National Progressive Radio), etc.

  5. The kind of music the Judge likes is irrelevant. The fact that he wants to uphold courtroom decorum and preserve someone’s Constitutional rights is music to my ears!

    The Left should appreciate that too, because if someone from the Left were on trial you can bet yer bottom dollar that they would be claiming their Constitutional rights… but they just can’t see past their gargantuan agenda!


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