Nancy Does Texas – IOTW Report

Nancy Does Texas

Hope n Change

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Over the weekend, Nancy Pelosi traveled to Texas to stare creepily at the crushing tide of young illegal aliens pouring into our country – her purpose being to encourage us all to “find the best solution to the problem, not the fastest.”
Happily, Hope n’ Change has found a way to do both by drinking tequila instead of whiskey whenever Pelosi speaks. And trust us, you’ll be doing the same once you hear what San Fran Nan is saying.
For starters, she declared that whether or not one is born in this country, “We’re all Americans in this hemisphere. North and South America.” Semantically, she’s right. Legally and Constitutionally, she’s out of her botoxed noggin. By her bizarre hemispheric definition, Fidel Castro is an American – entitled to Obamacare, food stamps, and the right to vote for Democrats without showing an I.D.



9 Comments on Nancy Does Texas

  1. Pie Face is down there recruiting for her Winery in Napa Valley.
    She wants the short ones.
    That way they can harvest from the underside of the vine so as not to sully the view with their persons.

  2. Isn’t it against the law for Nancy Pelosi to even BE IN TEXAS??

    I refuse to read any articles about this horrible woman, unless it is about any of the below:

    -Her retirement.
    -Her arrest for treason.
    -Her losing a re-election.
    -Her obituary.

  3. What ever happened to “Don’t Mess With Texas”?

    Pelosi classifies as pollution of the highest degree, doesn’t she?

    Texas is starting to lose my respect.

  4. They fly in, steal our oxygen long enough to pontificate blithering Alinsky nonsense and take indulgences from their zombie rubes.

    I just thank God they don’t stay.

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