Nancy Pelosi Caught On Hot Mic: ‘Tell Them You’re A Muslim’ – IOTW Report

Nancy Pelosi Caught On Hot Mic: ‘Tell Them You’re A Muslim’


A hot microphone picked up House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi instructing a Democratic congressman to tell a crowd of anti-Trump protesters that he is a Muslim.

Pelosi’s slip-up took place in front of a group of protesters demonstrating outside the Supreme Court against Donald Trump’s executive orders on immigration.

Pelosi ceded the microphone to Indiana Rep. Andre Carson, whom she introduced as a “Muslim member of Congress.”

“Greetings from the great state of Indiana. I’m Congressman Andre Carson!” Carson said, prompting Pelosi to badger him. “Tell them you’re a Muslim,” Pelosi mumbled. “Tell them you’re a Muslim.”

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22 Comments on Nancy Pelosi Caught On Hot Mic: ‘Tell Them You’re A Muslim’

  1. “Tell them your a Muslim!”
    “Tell them you believe women are property!”
    “Tell them you want to exterminate the Jews!”
    “Tell them you need to behead the infidels!”
    “Tell them you’d gladly slaughter Americans in the name of jihad!”
    “Tell them you approve of child rape like your pedophile idol, Mohammed!”
    “Tell them you enjoy throwing homosexuals off buildings!”

  2. I’ll guess that when he was a policeman he did nothing but agitate within his command. I know the type,
    Pelosi should be recalled. She is now reduced to just being, well, just being an agitator.

  3. The simple fact that she could have stood there with any one of the democrat reps and made the same point, proves old Nana’s intolerance. I could see her now instructing one of her underlings. Find me a muslim to go to the rally with me!

    It’s disgusting how they get away with veiled racism, homo/islam-phobia and nobody on their side bats an eye.

  4. Tell them you’re a gender fluid, menstruating, environmentalist, vegan, muslim social justice warrior.
    Lie your ass off, boy. Then favor us with a little a little song and dance, Sambo.

  5. Pelosi reminds me of the dolls with the pull string. Pull the string and she says the same pre-recorded message every time to the same mind-numb skulls full of mush thanks to our education system and George Soros.

  6. Nan: tell them you’re Muslim.
    Carson: bu bu but this is a LGBT crowd
    Nan: whew, we have so many protests to attend and so little time, I can’t keep up. Ok tell them you’re trans.
    Carson: the mic’s all yours. They’ll believe you’re a tranny over me.

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