Nancy Pelosi fangirl asks Twitter to describe Nancy in ONE WORD and BAHAHA it goes so wrong – IOTW Report

Nancy Pelosi fangirl asks Twitter to describe Nancy in ONE WORD and BAHAHA it goes so wrong

I saw-





It wasn’t the hagiography the OP hoped for-

45 Comments on Nancy Pelosi fangirl asks Twitter to describe Nancy in ONE WORD and BAHAHA it goes so wrong

  1. arrogant hyper-partisan destructive anti-American avaricious condescending ignorant vindictive dishonest vain covetous disloyal rude blasphemous spendthrift

    …and those are before I get to the nasty words.

  2. The comments were sickening. All I saw were comments praising the zombie bitch. I don’t get how libtards think she was…you know what, never mind. I’m so sick of everything at the moment, that I can’t even say finish what I wanted to say about stupid, effing libtards.

  3. Nancy Pelosi is the devil’s number one draft choice. She is murderous, treasonous, wretched, repulsive, disgusting, disgraceful, dishonest, dishonorable, disloyal, and often drunk. There isn’t anything about Nancy Pelosi the devil does not approve of. Nancy Pelosi is SATAN personified and proudly so. Oh, one more thing: FJB.


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