Nancy Pelosi Has a Mental Breakdown on Camera, Starts Yelling ‘No’ at Reporter Over and Over – IOTW Report

Nancy Pelosi Has a Mental Breakdown on Camera, Starts Yelling ‘No’ at Reporter Over and Over


Nancy Pelosi is not well. The more I watch her on camera, the more I’m convinced of that. Whether it’s her incessant sucking on her teeth, the weird slurring of her words she often slips into, or instances like I’m about to share, this is a person who’s mentally not capable of doing her job anymore.

Today, Pelosi lost it when a reporter asked her about not trying to play social justice warrior with the latest coronavirus relief package. MORE

32 Comments on Nancy Pelosi Has a Mental Breakdown on Camera, Starts Yelling ‘No’ at Reporter Over and Over

  1. Of course her brain is mush. She’s an eighty-year old woman in a high-stress position, who should have resigned a decade ago. Let’s see if this election we can get poor old Nancy out of Congress and into a nice home somewhere where she can get the care she needs.

  2. Pretty sure she didn’t strap on the mask when she went over to fling spittle on that poor reporter.

    Biden slurs his speech and gets belligerent just like her, and he’s now locked in his basement. Maybe it’s time for her to go downstairs, too.

  3. I think they should make a Pelosi Pull-String Doll that when the string is pulled, all it says is “no, no, no,
    no, no, no, no, no”! She already is mostly made of plastic anyway.

  4. Irate Nate; Ifixed it for you!:
    Let’s see if this election we can get poor old Nancy out of Congress and into a nice home somewhere where she can easily get the coronavirus .


  5. I saw an image of her this week being held up by an aide as she was exiting some building. She had an utterly vacuous look, almost bewildered. She most definitely wasn’t there at that moment.

    I’ve seen that exact look in elderly people in nursing homes lined up in the halls in wheel chairs, medicated on God knows what, just sitting there, staring off into space.

  6. Oh … that’s a shame …

    She and the nihilists cannot separate the voter fraud bill from the newest skim bill because that would expose them to warranted ridicule.
    They presently have two chances of success this election cycle:
    1) the mail-in vote fraud.
    2) Wiemar-like chaos in the cities which will intimidate voters (not affiliated with BLM, ANTIFA, La Raza, Brown Pampers, AFL-CIO, and other anti-American totalitarian groups) from showing up and being allowed to vote.

    Other than that, they got nuthin.
    Biden’s a pathetic fucking joke.
    Moose prolly don’t want it.
    Clinton’s a bit long in the tooth and can’t stay sober long enough.
    The other anal effluvia that ran against Biden LOST! – How pathetic is that?

    So, they must rely on “other methods.”
    Wiemar and the rise of the Freikorps.
    Russia just prior to the Civil War (~ 1917).
    South Africa.
    Lots of examples where a small, well-organized cadres of fiercely vicious totalitarians wrested “revolutions” from the “useful idiots” getting drunk and stoned while prancing about the streets playing college drop-out revolutionary, into absolute power for themselves.

    It should be obvious, even to the dullest among us (Don Lemon and Fredo Cuomo, for example).

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Pelosi remarked that they would have to fumigate Trump out of the White House. There’s more class in the White House than there has probably ever been. Screw the old demented hag.

  8. More pass the bill to see what’s in it.
    Why doesn’t she just retire to her estate?
    Why is she still in the quest for power?
    This woman is a spiritual, mental, emotional and physical hot mess.


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