Nancy Pelosi Has A NEW NAME For Donald Trump… – IOTW Report

Nancy Pelosi Has A NEW NAME For Donald Trump…

Gateway Pundit-

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday attacked Trump during her weekly press conference when asked about the former president’s impending 2024 campaign announcement.

“Trump has indicated that he plans to announce a 2024 run in the next month or so, what impact would that have on the midterms? And would it benefit Democrats in your opinion?” a reporter asked Pelosi.

“What I will say is…Democrats have absolutely no intention of losing the House in November, and the Senate, too,” she added.

She added, “We are campaigning on kitchen table issues that affect America’s working families…”

“I don’t speculate on who’s running in 2024 even if it’s the former occasional occupant of the White House,” Pelosi said of Trump.


Nancy, let the former occasional occupant make up the nicknames. He’s good at it.

18 Comments on Nancy Pelosi Has A NEW NAME For Donald Trump…

  1. “kitchen table issues”…MY ASS!!!!….and where is my .40 cents a gallon discount? Gas is #4.68 a gallon still. My grocery bill was $149.00 and I didn’t buy any beef, chicken or pork! Soup, yogurt, water, refried beans, tortillas & cheese, salsa, canned dog food, frozen fruit….PFFFFT!!!

  2. “kitchen table issues”
    yeah- lets talk about the $12 a pint ice cream on her table, and how she and her drunkard husband do insider trading to get their (was our) money.
    she sure as fuck don’t represent me or anyone that I know

  3. Kitchen table issues are, “We have many trunks of food that takes many years to go bad. How much should we have?”

    And then Jennifer asked the question, “What happens when the economy really goes tits up?”

    Well, I only have History to deal with that. Millions will starve to death. Millions will freeze to death. Millions are already on the wrong side of the account by letting the government jab them with shit that will surely kill them.

    In other words, I don’t know.

  4. Bear in mind that Rancid Nan’s kitchen table is a polished marble top on a Brazilian rosewood base, and sits in a kitchen with $200,000 worth of appliances and $25,000 worth of pots and pans, even though Juana does the cooking.

    I’m guessing but I doubt I’m far off.


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