Nancy Pelosi Has Public Condescending Meltdown During CNN Interview – IOTW Report

Nancy Pelosi Has Public Condescending Meltdown During CNN Interview

Wolf Blitzer should have pushed her harder.

And into traffic.
Ahhh I kid, I kid.

CTH: The hubris and condescension in this video snippet are quite remarkable, especially when we consider that Wolf Blitzer is a fellow traveler, friend and ally of Pelosi, and professional narrative engineer for the political left.  [There’s a shorter version below the fold]

After being asked a question about her refusal to accept a compromise $1.8 trillion spending package for COVID-19 economic impacts, Nancy Pelosi has a total meltdown.  Pelosi is so unfamiliar with even gentle push-back, she cannot fathom an alternate point of position that does not carry exclusive democrat political benefit.  This is wild:

26 Comments on Nancy Pelosi Has Public Condescending Meltdown During CNN Interview

  1. I’m no fan of Wolfie, but he should really given her a smackdown. Maybe he was just stunned by her stupidity; he sort of had that look. Also, her face has been stretched so tight she can’t even close her lips to form certain words. What a freak. She doesn’t give a damn about peoole unless it helps her retain power over them.

    Go retire and eat your specialty ice cream in your enormous freezer, Nan

  2. She could use a good de-lousing before chucking her onto the compost heap of history. On second thought, like a scraggy, 100 year-old apply tree, she could use a good de-limbing. Oh, hell. Somebody just throw her head first into a big wood chipper.

  3. Gonna hijack this thread for a second, but has anyone seen the 2 videos from Project Veritas? It makes me wonder how deep the Washington DC dems are in all of it (more than knee deep, I’m sure).

    Oh, and the lady working at the post office asked if I had heard about 30,000 guillotines that Obama bought and has stored at military bases? Laughed and told her, “New one on me.” Checked around online and mostly debunked, but Snopes said it was fake news, so there you have it.

  4. A pig like this is third in line to the


    And at the same time a demonstrable


    has a chance of gaining the


    This can only in the confines of the
    drug laden and mentally impaired


  5. She pioneered all the “debating” tactics that are typical of leftist women; filibuster, keep talking, interrupt, and talk over your opponents. Wolf should have pushed her, alright… down a flight of stairs.

  6. God, this woman thinks she’s the smartest person in the world. We KNOW what she was trying to do.
    BAIL OUT those cities with taxpayer’s money who allowed the riots and burning to decimate their cities and constituents, knowing it would hurt Trump’s economy.
    Hey lady. He has not ignored the virus. He even mentioned it in his State of the Union speech in February.
    Remember that one? You know, the one that you TORE UP for the whole country to see? I see your childish tantrums still abide. It’s the only thing you know. You must think that it makes you sound ‘smart.’

  7. Phuck….I despise liberals… none.

    I have yet to see or hear about a single one of those pieces-of-shit that are worthy of redemption.

    And….I am being open minded.

    Correct me if I’m wrong.

  8. That felt quite good.

    So much so that I want to repeat it;

    I really despise Fucking liberals and all they stand for, which is Satanism, cheating, lying, fabrication of facts, disillusionment, fiction, fake news, perjury and blatant Bullshit.

  9. As much as I love President Trump, can someone please explain to me where $1.8 trillion is coming from. Spend spend spend spend spend spend spend spend spend…doesn’t matter who’s President, there is no end to it.

  10. The Wolfboy must be emotionally dead.

    I kept thinking he should or would explode in anger at any moment from the condescending treatment and say, “But, but, but Madame Speaker! You know without doubt that I and all the people here at CNN have been kissing your ass and covering your ass for twenty years. How can you, of all people, accuse me and this network of promoting republican talking points? You know better. You’re either just a mean, spiteful, ungrateful bitch or you’ve become several fries short of a happy meal over the last three years.”


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