Nancy Pelosi Heckled by Numerous Protesters at NYC Event – IOTW Report

Nancy Pelosi Heckled by Numerous Protesters at NYC Event

“You’re a Sad Old Drunk! – You’re a G*ddam War Criminal!”

GP: Nancy Pelosi joined New York Times “economist” and nitwit Paul Krugman for a speech in Manhattan on Monday night.

During her performance Pelosi was heckled by members of the audience – not once… not twice… not three times… but FOUR different times over her record of war-mongering, corruption, theft and deceit.

Pelosi was screamed at first for hurling America into war after war based on her lies to the public. “A good place for you is in the gates of hell because you have a very bad obsession of getting us into war.”

She was then confronted for being an old drunk and war criminal. MORE

8 Comments on Nancy Pelosi Heckled by Numerous Protesters at NYC Event

  1. At least throw some rotting produce at her. AuntQueefa throw bombs made from feces and urine. I’d pay good money to see Komrade Nanski get a pie in the face like Bill Gates.


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