Nancy Pelosi Quotes Muhammad At National Prayer Breakfast – IOTW Report

12 Comments on Nancy Pelosi Quotes Muhammad At National Prayer Breakfast

  1. I can’t even comment with anything that wouldn’t put me on some watch list. She’s made her million off us. What the fuck does she care. Hey Fur, are you still confused about the “establishment”. Any wonder why she wants your guns? Justice would be if her and her pussy fucking husband met reality. We and her, deserve karma.

  2. PS, she’s a member of the Cathlolic church that is welcomed with open arms. I’m a poor dumb ass weapons manufacture and am told I’m not welcome in the a Catholic Church. Go figure.

  3. Bad Brad, you’d be welcome in the Roman Catholic churches in my neck of the woods. You’ve mentioned this twice now that I’ve seen. How did you get the idea that you aren’t welcomed. If Pope Frankie said something, he isn’t speaking for the church, he’s blowing it out with the digesting fava beans.

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