Nancy tests positive – IOTW Report

Nancy tests positive

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tests positive for COVID-19.
Pelosi was at the White House on Wednesday for a President Biden bill signing

37 Comments on Nancy tests positive

  1. Hmm, Nancy and Schiffless within a couple of days. Is something going on we don’t know about?

    A theory – they are all going to announce that they are getting it so they can lock us down again and use the same excuses to steal the election again.

  2. Let me guess she tweeted out something along the lines of ‘I’ve tested positive for Covid and thanks to the vaccine I have mild or no symptoms. GET VACCINATED’

    Seems this is the newest propaganda program. Virtually every big name that allegedly tests positive for Covid with the fake PCR test makes this statement.

  3. Riiiight. Either she did get it and is on ivermectin treatment or next thing you will hear is FJB has covid. AFter seeing how he was pushed aside while the flimflam Kenyan was getting all the attention, maybe covid will be kicking his ass so badly he will have to step down. It’s all a charade with those assholes.

  4. Hhmmm…. Nancy has the Kung Flu and was at the White House with the Obomination and Brandon yesterday. I foresee lots of those in attendance coming down with the Kung Flu. Could Ivermectin be withheld to get a few somebody’s to die in office?

  5. It’s nothing that the 10 day military tribunal at GITMO won’t cure. What did you think all of these surprise positive tests were all about? It’s let’s make a deal time.

  6. Put her on a ventilator and fill her with remdesivir like you did with everyone else and they died. Guess she won’t be getting her hair done anytime soon. Enjoy your covid ride Nancy.

  7. Nancy tests positive… for rabies. She probably bit the fox.
    h t t p s://

  8. “After testing negative this week, Speaker Pelosi received a positive test result for COVID-19 and is currently asymptomatic. The Speaker is fully vaccinated and boosted.”

    Something is missing, I can’t quite put my fing—-ah, yes…the Thankful & Grateful For The Wonderful Vaccine” part. Or is that beneath her majesty.

  9. Remember how she mocked Republicans, whined “science, science, science” in several of her press conferences?
    Then she fined Republicans for not wearing masks.
    All that now is coming back to bite her.

  10. It’s all bullshit, she was set to take a congressional delegation to Taiwan after visiting Japan this weekend. China told the Pedo coward to nix it, or else.

    Pedo us a wholly owned subsidiary of China.

    Nazi Piglousy gets the rona,,, yeah right.


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