Narrative About President Trump and Three Spy Balloons Shot Down in Flames – IOTW Report

Narrative About President Trump and Three Spy Balloons Shot Down in Flames

American Thinker

So the whole story about Trump supposedly knowing about and ignoring the presence of three comparable spy balloons from China is falling apart fast. What’s being described never happened, and what did happen was not like what happened this past week. It’s just spin, another bid to give Joe Biden a public relations ‘save’ in the wake of the public relations disaster this balloon incident is amounting to, exposing both Joe’s and America’s weakness.

This incident rather resembles the Liz Cheney-promoted lie that President Trump knew about Russian bounties on the killing of American soldiers in Afghanistan and did nothing. Or the one about Trump supposedly insulting the American war dead in Europe while he was on a trip there. Those stories, too, were debunked severely when the facts came out, and intriguingly, both also came from the Pentagon’s lie shop.

Now we are hearing this crap, which is falling apart like a busted balloon overhead overhead and waiting for the press to dine out on the scraps.

Spare us this clown show. Trump never let balloons float overhead from China the way Joe Biden has. The claim is nothing but desperate leftist bunkum. More

Yet another pin bursting this narrative balloon, current administration members admit the three balloons were only discovered after Donald Trump left office. Here

15 Comments on Narrative About President Trump and Three Spy Balloons Shot Down in Flames

  1. I call absolute bullshit.
    We can track bits and pieces of space junk in orbit and we get taken by surprise at a balloon with a payload the size of three buses?
    Not buying it.

  2. Well, the Perfumed Princes at the Pentagon are in full swing, they are as effective about creating bogus “anonymous” reports to bolster Dear Leader’s image as when the Perfumed Princes were in charge of the surrender of Afghanistan.
    Biden deserves the failed Perfumed Princes, what a bunch of clowns (Joint Chiefs and Secretary Austin).

  3. Orange Man bad…Orange Man stupid….Orange Man not trusted…

    we are controlling the horizontal, we are controlling the…

    Isn’t it about time this bullsh#yte is ended by “We the people?”

  4. Trump didn’t know because Mad Dog Mattis didn’t tell him. Neutered little pussy Mattis was afraid Trump would retaliate. Are you Fing kidding me. We have to generals that hid important events from Trump. Why aren’t they being charged with treason.
    Why on Gods Green Earth would the Biden Lack Of Intelligence people want to bring in Trumps people. Is this an admission that they’ve finally realized they’re way over their heads. A plea for help. This will make a killer campaign add for DJT.

  5. read this shit. It’ll pop the wax out of your ears. A bunch of people need to be hung.

  6. Republicans needs to go to the SOTU tomorrow night carrying white balloons. Or let couple just hover on the ceiling to put Biden off kilter during the whole speech.

  7. Kinda like “I have no bank accounts in China during my term in office”, 🤞. Chinese balloons , Chinese bank account grew along with, what balloons? 🤞. That with a history of not exactly telling the truth. Buzzer sounds.

  8. I challenge Republicans in Congress to somehow release many white balloons at the State of the Union speech tomorrow night. Maybe helium is not possible, but preferable.

    Tear asunder the text of Biden’s speech. ala Nancy Pelosi, before or while he gives it. I won’t be watching but I will watch the highlights.

  9. I just challenged my congressman, Bob Good, to do this evil plan.
    White balloons. Urge your representative to do the same.
    Alinsky rule 5.
    Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage

  10. “99 knights of the air
    Ride super high-tech jet fighters
    Everyone’s a superhero
    Everyone’s a Captain Kirk
    With orders to identify
    To clarify and classify
    Scrambling the summer sky
    99 red Chinese balloons go by”

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