NASA Is Testing A New Solar Sail Technology That May Unlock The Future Of Space Propulsion – IOTW Report

NASA Is Testing A New Solar Sail Technology That May Unlock The Future Of Space Propulsion

Twisted Sifter

Humans have always been fascinated with outer space.

It is remarkable to think that hasn’t even been 70-years since mankind was first able to send something into space (the Sputnik 1 satellite, which launched on October 4, 1957).

Since then we have made some astounding progress, but there are many challenges that still need to be overcome.

Perhaps the biggest obstacles are related to weight and propulsion.

It takes a lot of fuel to get anything up into space, and a lot more to get it moving in the right direction once there. more

15 Comments on NASA Is Testing A New Solar Sail Technology That May Unlock The Future Of Space Propulsion

  1. It better go faster than the speed of light otherwise we won’t be going very far.

    Or learn how to harness black holes and use them to get around the universe. Matter gets swallowed up at one end and it must get spit out somwhere else’.
    They could serve as quickist amd cheapest way of getting aroundy the Big U.

    Humans will get those big monsters to work for us.

  2. Solar sail, nope, next wet dream.
    Give me a nuke & blow me into a black hole first, someone has to try this out. Solar sail, you would die before you would ever even leave our solar system.

  3. Since just about forever, we’ve been immersed in this fantasy that one day man will travel across the universe as if it weas a beer run to the 7-11. Don’t mean to be a buzz kill here, but I’m pretty sure we will destroy ourselves long before we ever cruise the galaxy for space chicks.

  4. The solar sail was shown to you in
    1 of the Star Wars movies 35 years ago……
    Voyager space craft has been traveling away from earth some 43
    years and it is now 1 LIGHT DAY from earth……


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