NASA returns first asteroid samples to earth – IOTW Report

NASA returns first asteroid samples to earth

ASA on Sunday completed a successful seven-year mission when a capsule with samples from an asteroid landed on Earth for the first time ever.

NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft landed in Utah at 10:52 a.m. ET, the agency said. more

11 Comments on NASA returns first asteroid samples to earth

  1. It’s a great accomplishment, but I can’t get excited about it, considering all the horrid things the shit running our government is doing to us. Besides, I’m sick of the women in NASA hogging the camera, when the men did all the work that was accompished. Enough of this shit.

  2. we actually have the ability to land a craft on an asteroid, that is capable of scooping up dirt & rock samples & return them intact to a precise location on Earth? …. & we’re just hearing about it now????

    (man, my trust in the US g’ment is sooooooo low)

    yet we don’t have the ability to close the border, have fair elections, have a reasonably fair judicial system, stop the $$$$$$ gravy-train grift to Ukraine, cure a simple cold virus w/out shutting down the entire world, & find a decently priced bowl of Vietnamese fishy-smelling beef stew???

  3. btw, that Anonymous guy up there is a g’ment plant that’s trolling for anti-g’ment & misogynist comments to condemn this sight

    please ignore

    (yeah, I’m that paranoid)

  4. Whatever you say anony…

    In related news a new element now known as Corruotonium was discovered in the sample.

    Scientists postulate that previous blankets of asteroid dust once covered the earth abd turned many humans into Demonrats.

    Ima Ficus the lead Scientist from the NSA (National Science Academy ) stated that a clear demarcation between human species occurred.

    “It’s interesting” he stated, about 1776 most of us became patriots but a group of hardcore useless tit suckers and government loving ass kissers did not.

    “We blame the influence of Corruptonium with a healthy sprinkle of Luciferium” he explained.

  5. This marks the US’s first sample return mission of its kind and will open a time capsule to the beginnings of our solar system.

    Could have saved the taxpayers some money, it’s all right here how, who, and when:

    Genesis 1
    New International Version

    The Beginning

    1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.


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