NASA To Keep Tin Foil Hat Moon Hoaxers Busy For Years – IOTW Report

NASA To Keep Tin Foil Hat Moon Hoaxers Busy For Years

NASA just released never before seen Apollo Mission photos on Flickr.


15 Comments on NASA To Keep Tin Foil Hat Moon Hoaxers Busy For Years

  1. I’ve been looking through these this morning, and yeah, they are going to have a field day with some of these! I saw a rock shaped like a puppy! OK, nerds, start cranking out those you tube videos! I need the laugh!

  2. These are awesome.
    That is true bravery to get in that capsule and rocket to the moon!

    I always told Moon Hoaxers’ I met in Europe to check out the rocks the missions brought back and gave to universities around the globe.
    I imagine that was quite the hoax to fool all these scientists.

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