Nate Silver Tells Leftist to “Make Contingency Plan” for a Trump Victory in November – IOTW Report

Nate Silver Tells Leftist to “Make Contingency Plan” for a Trump Victory in November


America’s top election forecaster has issued a chilling warning as he revealed Trump could win the 2024 race and people should start making ‘contingency plans’ now. 

Nate Silver, a former professional poker player and political forecaster, has revealed his model gives Donald Trump a 58 percent chance of winning the Electoral College. More

15 Comments on Nate Silver Tells Leftist to “Make Contingency Plan” for a Trump Victory in November

  1. OK, Nate, calculating that President Trump has a 58% chance of winning the electoral college is very nice and all, but NOW calculate the probability that the anti-Trump globalist Marxist totalitarian fraudsters will still steal the election somehow. THAT’s the important number.

  2. They already have a plan.
    Just like on January 20th, 2017, 19 minutes after Trump was sworn in. New York Times:
    “It’s time to impeach President Trump”

    “Impeach 47!”

  3. We, the people, gave Trump a 48 state landslide in 2020 that was negated by ‘the most comprehensive vote fraud program in the history of the country’ (it’s a paraphrase of Biden in that election, he was allowed to have misspoken, but I believe he just said truth because his senility overrode his censor).

    We hear all the BULLSHIT polls that say Trump and Harris are neck and neck, particularly in the swing states, all within a point or two either way. The LOWEST RATED VICE PRESIDENT in American history against the populist favorite for twelve years running? And they’re even steven? BULL-SHIT-A-RAMA! Even FOX is in the show, with the BULLSHIT polling, preparing us for that ‘minor little upset’ that happens in the darkest hours in the days and nights following as more ‘ballots’ show up… we’ve SEEN THIS SHOW BEFORE! We were singularly unimpressed that time, if (when) it goes off again there is likely some ‘KINETIC FEEDBACK’ coming around.

    Everyone get out and vote -AGAINST THE COMMUNISTS- you can hate Trumpy all you want but if you want ANY CHANCE at a NON COMMUNIST future you better hold that proboscis and vote for the bad orange man. Make it hard on them, make it so hard the cheating has to be even MORE OBVIOUS than it was last time, make it a belligerent cheat, with more ‘ballots’ than people required for the communists to prevail. Nothing less will do, and this may not be enough either.

  4. If we are lucky enough to get Trump back, LFO. The leftists will go nuts. They’ll make any BLM or Antifa riot look like a Sunday picnic. Be prepared to defend yourselves. I’m hardly joking.

  5. Yeah, like Leftists can actually plan for contingencies. They’re no good at it. I’m still waiting for — was it? — Sean Penn to move to Venezuela or some other totalitarian-run country. Same for that so-called stand up comic (the one who was holding a mock-up of Trump’s head). Wasn’t she going to Canada?

    Check out this operation:

  6. I may be much too negative but, I believe when the SHTF it will be entirely up to our military to right the wrongs.

    But, I am very short on having enough faith in our ‘American military’ to react in favor of America.

  7. I love Donald John Trump because he’ll never give up on America. Never. As he is the one doing most of the heavy lifting, I’ll be danged if I’m going to add to his burden by throwing in the towel of despair and defeat. This wonderful country of ours was born of God’s blessing, grace, mercy and miracles. There are way too many examples throughout our history that point to his divine intervention. Too many examples of things “happening” that were “impossible.” Doubt it? How much did President Trump have to turn his head to make the binary difference between living and dying right on the spot he stood?

    Please continue to pray for God’s mercy (and repent and turn away from sin). Nothing that happens, happens without the sovereign creator of everything and everyone.

  8. In the probable case of Trump winning, I bet they’ve got a plan, either a plan ready to go or they’re working on one. RINOS, Demos, and leftists of all stripes will gather the assholes and get them riled up in every city and town. It’s called civil war. They’ll get some members of the armed forces on their side, like those 5 Navy fags that operate a helicopter.

    They’ll try to destroy a Trump presidency any way they can. I think they’ll make the US a hell on earth if they can get away with it. But I’m not going anywhere. I’m standing here.

  9. “I believe when the SHTF it will be entirely up to our military to right the wrongs.”

    Not only do I have zero confidence of this happening but believe that Biden/Harris/Garland and company would unleash “their” military on the people, then going to bed that night, sanguine in the notion that they just saved the Republic.

  10. When Trump wins, and the leftists go on the warpath, you can bet the legacy media will call them “freedom fighters” and compare them favorably with the Hamasses. It wouldn’t surprise me if the leftists import terrorists to help them in an armed conflict.

  11. ^^^^^^
    There’s a reason 97.7 percent of what crossed our border we military aged fighting men. You can find videos on YouTube explaining to Chinese nationalists how to acquire firearms.

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