Nation Reaps No Rewards For Imposing “Common Core” – IOTW Report

Nation Reaps No Rewards For Imposing “Common Core”


A study released Monday by the Boston-based Pioneer Institute reveals a historic drop in national reading and math scores among U.S. students since the adoption of the Common Core Curriculum Standards a decade ago.

“Nearly a decade after states adopted Common Core, the empirical evidence makes it clear that these national standards have yielded underwhelming results for students,” said Pioneer executive director Jim Stergios in a statement. “The proponents of this expensive, legally questionable policy initiative have much to answer for.” More

12 Comments on Nation Reaps No Rewards For Imposing “Common Core”

  1. If I remember correctly, the master of the virus, Bill Gates had a heavy hand in this. Now he wants to be heard on matters of health? Dude needs to buy an island and disappear while he can do it voluntarily.

  2. The communist at their core education standards worked exactly as planned. They were never designed to create wise, patriotic, liberty loving Americans, they were designed to turn children into mindless drones who would be fine with losing liberty.

  3. I thought this was one of the main action items on POTUS Trump’s/Steve Bannon’s white board. I’ve checked periodically on DeVos’s website and can’t find a mention of it, either. This, I believe, is just as important as the border wall and the opioid epidemic.

  4. Liberals roll out some fancy new failure every 10 years, and if you follow the money, it’s a democrat-owned publishing company that is already in line to get money thrown at them by democrat state legislatures.

    “When children start paying dues, that’s when we’ll start caring about the interests of students.” –Teacher’s union president.

  5. I always maintained that it was no coincidence that an extreme radical Leftist, pro-Marxist, anti-capitalist, anti-establishment, America-Hating, bomb-throwing, self-professed Communist by the name of Bill Ayers helped found Common Core as the most insidious time-bomb of all! The real intent of which was to deliberately corrupt, confuse and cripple a child’s brain so that they cannot excel in the modern world and they used the Obama administration, along with its drive to weaken America any way possible, as the vehicle to deliver it. The radical Left went right for our children knowing the long-term effects of their twisted pretzel-logic will retard that generation. They slapped a nice-sounding name on it, “Common Core”, to deflect the the real intent (just like they do with everything else) to cover the fact that it is just plain, old brain-washing – only more insidious! This represented the start at the so-called re-education camps Bill Ayers is famous for advocating.
    Try getting a competent, straight thinking engineer brought up on Common Core Shit!!
    I dare ya!


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