National Felon Leaguer threatens cop’s wife with sexual assault – IOTW Report

National Felon Leaguer threatens cop’s wife with sexual assault

Anderson reportedly continued making threats like that for an unreported amount of time.

NY Jets Robby Anderson- Screenshot

He allegedly threatened the officer and his family repeatedly. “He also began to brag about how much money he has and how all I was doing was trying to do is ‘Ruin his fun,’” the report says.  STORY HERE


16 Comments on National Felon Leaguer threatens cop’s wife with sexual assault

  1. He deserves some jail time even if served on weekdays as well as being made to publically apologise to the cop and his family.

    Hell, Goodell will probably make him a special NFL envoy to the Police Community. I may be wrong but it seems to me that black NFL players seem to be far more likely to have a bad interaction with well, just about everyone then whites do. This is odd because they go to college (and good ones) just as much as white players do and one would think that the rigors of college as well as the discipline taught by the coaches would have gained them the self-control and sense of common decency they would need going forward. Unless of course there were no real attempt to educate these men, that they were given automatic passes and the coaches kowtowed to them in order to produce winning teams. If that’s the case they aren’t doing these guys any favours as the average player lasts around three seasons. If they get cut because of performance they are ill-equipted to handle the real world and will likely fail with catastrophic consequences.

  2. Driving 105 in a 45 zone. The worst that would have happened would be a pretty steep ticket and loss of points. (which he could easily afford)

    Now he is facing 2 felony and 2 misdemeanor charges, and may lose his job.

    Wow, that got expensive real fast, what a dummy.

  3. I call it the OJ Simpson syndrome. Since jr high school, through college, and now in their professional careers, these assholes have been pampered, told they’re special, their shit doesn’t stink, and have had all their criminal transgressions either ignored, or covered-up, or had their fines paid by their schools or teams, all because they can catch a ball. It is no wonder that the NFL players collectively have a higher percentage of felons in their ranks than any other “profession”. This punk will be back in the system in the future for progressively more serious crimes. Count on it.

  4. In the days of Lazlo’s police Officer Uncle, white or black, a man that said those things to an officer would invariably have his ride to the Police Station repeatedly interrupted by a cat crossing the road and causing the cruiser to stop short.
    Probably the same cat every time

  5. When I was a kid Ted Williams was
    a sports hero and young boys could
    look up to players like him.
    Nowa days the players are scum and
    an embarrassment to America.Nothing you
    would want your kids to look up to for models…
    If that makes me a deplorable,redneck,dumbass,Southern,
    Bible totin’,gun lovin’ RACISTS!!!! So be it…

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