National Guardsman who threatened to kill Vice President sentenced to time served and 6 months house arrest – IOTW Report

National Guardsman who threatened to kill Vice President sentenced to time served and 6 months house arrest

wash times-

A National Guardsman has been sentenced in federal court for threatening to kill Vice President Mike Pence prior to his appearance last fall at a September 11 memorial service in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

U.S. District Judge Kim Gibson on Friday sentenced William Dunbar, 23, to six months in prison to be followed by six months of home confinement and three years of federal probation, according to court reporters.

Dunbar already spent six months behind bars awaiting sentencing and was released Friday to finish the home confinement segment with his family, Somerset County’s Daily American reported.

“Bill is obviously very remorseful,” defense attorney Matthew Zatko told the newspaper following Friday’s sentencing hearing in Johnstown federal court. “It was very telling when he told the court that his whole life he dreamed of being a soldier and the most difficult thing about this is he won’t be able to wear a military uniform again.”


19 Comments on National Guardsman who threatened to kill Vice President sentenced to time served and 6 months house arrest

  1. “It was very telling when he told the court that his whole life he dreamed of being a soldier and the most difficult thing about this is he won’t be able to wear a military uniform again.”
    Pretty sure all my fellow vets will join me in saying: Fuck him, who needs the trouble.
    What is “very telling” is he just doesn’t understand duty and honour well enough to wear the uniform.
    Maybe he can get a job as a Mall Cop if he wants to play dress up.
    This is what you call fucking your future up over emotion, a girly man move.

  2. Resume: List all crimes, violations, parking and speeding tickets, even if it has been expunged or pardoned. If yes, please describe and list dates.


  3. Sometimes the weeding-out process auto-pilots.

    You are not made of the right stuff. Be thankful a firing line wasn’t involved. Move along and go become an asset to the world another way.

  4. “Don’t let your mouth overload your ass.”

    Good advice then, as now.

    I guess his dad just told him how cute and precious he was … whenever he gurgled some profanity.
    (No, I’m not blaming his dad for his foolishness – just an observation)

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Don’t need a resume if you become an individualist entrepreneur. That has a self-weeding process too. So, yeah, not likely, considering.

    Tim, all of my sons got talks about how they were jeopardizing their futures when they showed signs of anti-social and self-destructive behavior as they were growing up. From diaper stage to leaving home stage. There’s always something to keep an eye on.

    Guidance is crucial. Even elephants keep their teenage males in line. How does a human drop this ball?

    While this guy is responsible for his actions, I do wonder about his father and what role he played, if any at all, in his upbringing. What is he like? It’s not irrelevant in my opinion.

  6. Only six months in the clink and six months being grounded at home? Something tells me that if this had happened under the previous administration, the offender would have paid more dearly.

  7. “…his whole life he dreamed of being a soldier and the most difficult thing about this is he won’t be able to wear a military uniform again.”

    That’s a shame. But on the other hand, he won’t be able to try to kill a fellow soldier just because he heard, “Nate Merida is late again” and thought he said something else.

    I bet the guy is gay. Probably thinks Pence is an anti-gay misogynist racist nazi that the left keeps pretending he is, and thought he was coming to destroy him or some other weirdness.

  8. Wow, it only took six months to sentence the purp to six months! Oh, that’s right the blacked robed pukes are too busy messing with every other thing in the universe to do their proper job!

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