National Park Service Employees Go Rogue and Set Up Twitter Account Dedicated To Attacking Trump – IOTW Report

National Park Service Employees Go Rogue and Set Up Twitter Account Dedicated To Attacking Trump

Trump must clean house at these agencies and purge as many of these radical leftists as possible.

Remember, these are the people that wanted us jailed because we don’t believe man is changing the climate.


ht/ illustr8r

37 Comments on National Park Service Employees Go Rogue and Set Up Twitter Account Dedicated To Attacking Trump

  1. Find out who thet are and fire them. The anti-science warming alarmists have damaged the nation more than enough already. My tax dollars shouldn’t be used to fund these brain washed, anti-science, warmist idiots.

  2. Find out who they are and ensure that they are observed to follow every rule set out for their employment. If they break a largish one fire them, if they break a few small ones add them up then fire them. The problem of course is that the ACLU would probably get involved and you’d have to be careful lest you trigger a lawsuit. Trump should start out by making sure every government agency sends a note to each employee reminding them that their employment depends on them following rules and giving the web address for those rules. He could also start by chopping entire departments that don’t serve a use from each agency or departments. Then maybe some of these idiots would get the message that no job is safe so you better be on your best behaviour.

  3. Easy answer, Feds quit funding global warming, climate change suckey pseudo scientists. They are fake news and always have been.

    News conferences with real scientists and geologists, physicists, throw in a couple weather men, satellite reports. Also report on the destruction of birds and bats by windmills.

    And speaking of wind mills, report how many tens of thousands were abandoned as soon as the federal subsidies ran out.

    Publish cost of electricity in California, ask the rest of the country how they like them apples.

  4. I knew this was bound to happen. I had to keep my mouth shut for 8 years while working under these douchebags in the government. I would love to be on an interagency task force to go around and personally fire every one of these dipshits. The gloves are off, I’m done being PC with these idiots….

  5. Some National Park Rangers are among the most leftist bastards employed by our government. They preach man-caused global warming at many of the national parks during the interpretive seminars as part of their leftist agenda. I love calling them out and making them look like the commie bastards that they are. I avoid interaction with them as they always piss me off with their socialist diatribe. They always act like the government owns the parks and is only letting you see it because they haven’t yet figured out how to prevent that, yet. I always carry concealed at Big Bend National Park as it is now legal to do so in Texas.

  6. Oh, yeah! I once met a National Park Ranger who said he loved being stationed at Big Bend National Park because it was easy to cross the border into Mexico on his days off and have sex with underage girls. He bragged that the parents charged reasonable amounts of money for their daughters services.

  7. To resolve the situation, Trump might be inspired by Reagan firing renegade air traffic controllers in 1981. .

    Trump should egg on the leftist national park employees so that he can get rid of leftists the same way Reagan did.
    It would be fantastic. Maybe then the National Parks will be able to hire new employees who give a damn about their country.

  8. @ Benito

    NO, these cretins will soon be attending a class called
    “How I can avoid acting like an a§$h*le so I don’t get fired from my next job”.

    These morons are *outing* themselves!

  9. What would happen to employees of a big company who did that to the CEO?

    That’s right, say it with me now, “YOUR FIRED”
    “Hit the road, Jack; dontcha come back no mo no mo no mo no mo…”

  10. This from the same agency that kicked visitors out and locked up all the national parks and monuments when Obama got pissed off and closed down the government back in 2013. It doesn’t seem that their attitude has improved any since then. Does the government belong to the civil servants or the people? From those e-mails they don’t seem to be very civil and they appear to be a self serving lot. I like calling them civil servants, because it pisses’em off.

  11. Fire them for first time offense. I’ve witnessed Federal sleuths figure out who did what in just a few minutes. Send the clueless, ingrate bastards to the middle east for a couple tours. There are 95 million people out of work in America and at least 10% want and deserve these jobs. Get references from the VA.

  12. All federal land not specifically used to insure the common defense needs to be sold forthwith. The proceeds would be enough to pay off social security commitments and refund the money stolen from those who aren’t drawing it yet.

    There is NO Constitutional right for the federal government to own or administer these lands, zero.

  13. Burn ’em down Donald, burn ’em all down. Forest Service employees are so indoctrinated they’re worthless.
    They need to look for work so they can appreciate what they had. Wandering around in the woods and calling it a job… they need an intervention. How about re-introducing proper forest management and bringing back the Forest Industry?

  14. Some time ago, I read Playing God in Yellowstone; a book detailing our Park Services horrible mismanagement of Yellowstone National Park. It was a fascinating account of how supposedly committed environmental types can screw up an ecosystem because they don’t really understand it.

    The same applies, in my opinion, to global warming. I’m not really a denier (the climate always changes, and has for billions of years), but I’m very skeptical of the gloom and doom claims promoted by AGW proponents. Part of this is because I am always skeptical of proponents of any agenda who spend much of their time and effort silencing the opposition. Another reason for skepticism is due to the fact that the early AGW models, some of which predicted the ice caps would be gone by now (actually, sea ice in Anarctica seems to be increasing) have been wrong.

    A National Park Ranger is generally not a scientist, and I prefer the conclusions of real scientists over amateurs (of which I am one). To me, AGW seems more like a religion than accepted science.

  15. Do we know that these people are actual employees? My guess is that these are former “jour-no-list” (or whatever they were) type children living in their parents basements causing lefties to soil their panties. The lefty sites are going nutz today claiming that DJT has shut down all the Fed social media sites. Every single one they have said was shut down, I checked, and they are still active and tweeting like song birds in a summer rain.

    As far as I can tell, the rumor of a gag order is #FakeNews.

  16. Step one: Seek these useless people out and fire them immediately, revoke all retirement.
    Step two: Release Ammon Bundy and place him in charge to the Park or Monument these people worked at.

  17. I don’t care if these are after hours personal accounts. In the real world, where I and the rest of you live, if you bash your employer, you are gone. No questions asked. Fire these people that have never, and will never, contribute anything to society.

    To there spouses, you are probably of the same ilk, if you’re not, you chose poorly. To their children, I apologize, you can’t pick your family, but maybe this will show you the light. If not good luck. To paraphrase the last President, “We Won”.

  18. At the least, cooyright infringement: The Arrowhead Symbol is the official symbol of the U.S. National Park Service, and all use must be in accordance with 36 C.F.R. Part 11. Any unauthorized use is a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 701, punishable by a fine or imprisonment or both.

  19. Investigate “” and any so-called ‘scientists’ on it, and shit-can any of them stupid enough to attach their names to the globaloney religion. They just outed themselves too.

  20. Aren’t these the same guys fascists that kept Americans from national monuments? They were happy to “shut down America”.

    They should be let go for that alone. They were not on the side of the American people. They were f**king with them and enjoying it.

  21. Wait. They are not a part of the NPS any more. They are just using the logo.

    In several tweets they explain how they are activists/scientists from all over the world.

    “We have decided to pass over control of this account to individuals outside of government employment for the sake of our colleagues.”

    “We’d like to thank the anonymous members of the Reddit community who helped us get the ball rolling & assist with a safe transfer of control”

    “But we are assured & comforted that those taking over will not identify us to the media. We asked to remain unknown & they have promised.”

    “The individuals taking over come from various countries, but all have a science background & are fearful about a Trump administration.”

    “One aspect we’ve had to consider over the past few days are legal ramifications, such as criminal prosecution for the use of the NPA’s logo.”

    On this page :

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