National Pet Day – IOTW Report

National Pet Day

Just a smattering of the last year and a half of our Critter Posts.

Happy National Pet Day!!!

h/t RogerF

20 Comments on National Pet Day

  1. Let’s be honest, even though today is recognized, there is no one pet day. And yes Tim, most of us have many that we miss, but that doesn’t mean we won’t get adopted by more (wording is intentional)

  2. Kcir, Cuban by way of Sweden. It’s been sitting in my box for 16 months. I couldn’t stand it any longer, I also have 4 Hoyo de Montereys just patiently waiting.

  3. Side topic – I walked outside this evening and saw a mink meandering between my neighbor’s property and mine. I thought I saw one a few weeks ago but only got a glimpse. Today I got to watch it for a few minutes. Definitely a MINK!
    Of course, my phone (camera) is sitting on the counter in the house…

  4. Jethro! I hate when that happens! Had a big owl sitting in a tree not too far from out bird feeders. Just as I started to move to go inside to get the phone, it flew away. Such a beautiful bird! Really. It WAS there. REALLY! 😊

  5. Both worth celebrating. Two of my husbands older brothers were on submarines in WWII…. and glad my Sunny Sunshine and his tennis ball made the pet gallery!


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