National Security Advisor Flynn’s Resignation Letter – IOTW Report

National Security Advisor Flynn’s Resignation Letter


Lt. General Joseph Keith Kellogg, Jr., was named President Trump’s acting national security advisor after the administration’s former advisor was forced to resign amid reports about a phone call with a Russian ambassador.

Kellogg, 72, is a decorated Army veteran who served two tours in Vietnam War, where he earned a number of medals, including the Silver Star. He served as the commander of the famous 82nd Airborne Division from 1997 to 1998.

Kellogg, who has been seen a number of times in Trump Tower, is considered to be one of the president’s closest advisers. He was directly under Flynn until the resignation.

The Nation reported that Kellogg has taken a deep interest in “computer-driven” warfare since retiring from the military. He reportedly worked as a vice president at Cubic Corp., which provides ground combat training and technical support for the Pentagon.

President Trump’s embattled national security adviser Michael Flynn resigned Monday night.

Flynn, in his resignation letter, wrote that he “inadvertently” briefed  top officials with incomplete information regarding his call with the Russian ambassador.

12 Comments on National Security Advisor Flynn’s Resignation Letter

  1. Honor! Integrity! Service! And the ability to put the President and Nation first.

    Name ONE, just one of the faux president’s scandalous appointees who was caught screwing up, and resigned!! One?

    Lois Lerner? Holder?

  2. In the last Administration, the President would whine, lie, pretend that he was ignorant of the facts, blame it on Hannity, blame it on Limbaugh, blame it on Bush (twice) and then claim executive privilege.

  3. Shouldn’t the “hot mic” incident with Obama “wait until after the election…” have had similar consequences, then? Hillary’s emails have worse than this on a good day. Hypocrites. Of course they talked about sanctions. What else would be important at that time, the weather? Government absurdity.

  4. If they let the press outrage cloud their judgement on every stupid little faux pas, they ranks will quickly and be left with nothing but typical Washington slugs. Better suck it up lads.

  5. It took me a few minutes before I realized the left investigates everything a republican president dose or says.
    But does not investigate a liberal president for anything.
    Haven’t seen this in years.

  6. Must assume the spooks got the telephone transcripts to the press.
    Or is this another case of “Russian hacking?”

    Why does President Trump give in to the media? I’m fairly confident that the public neither knows nor cares who the National Security Advisor is, or what he does. Or is Flynn’s transgression important? “Incomplete information?”

    I don’t get it. The explanations are confusing.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Flynn could see that he was becoming the story and a distraction to the presidency and did the honorable thing and resigned. That is what a patriot does, which is why no one in obozos scandal-ridden administration would ever resign.

  8. The bitch set him up! Trump needs to send a trusted team into the NSA and review stored comms, oh say, for the last 8 years. Especially wrt Iran and other terrorist states.
    Pence then told CBS in January that Flynn had never spoken about the sanctions during his calls to Russia.

    However, after anonymous U.S. officials leaked a transcript of a call between Flynn and Kislyak showing that the topic was discussed, Flynn said the topic may have come up, but he had forgotten.

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