Nations Gearing Up for International Treaty Banning Robot Weapons – IOTW Report

Nations Gearing Up for International Treaty Banning Robot Weapons

Human Rights Watch

The Sixth Review Conference of the Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW), scheduled to be held at the United Nations in Geneva from December 13-17, 2021, is a major juncture for international talks on lethal autonomous weapons systems. After holding informal and formal discussions on the matter since 2013, states parties now face the pivotal decision of whether to approve a mandate to open negotiations of a protocol on the systems or to leave the CCW to initiate negotiations elsewhere. More

Having a number of weapons systems in development, The United States prefers a “code of conduct” rather than an outright ban. Here

19 Comments on Nations Gearing Up for International Treaty Banning Robot Weapons

  1. Yeah right… leases, contracts and treaties are meant to be broken.
    Treaties are observed as long as they are in harmony with interests.
    Treaties and Wheaties are the breakfast of Champions!

  2. Not me
    DECEMBER 10, 2021 AT 8:20 PM
    “But it’s ok to make robots to kill jobs?”

    I program and integrate robots into cells for a living, and repair same.

    If anyone should be pissed, its the robots. They get all the shit jobs, heavy, repetitive, dull as dishwater, and never get a break. Nothing any of my robots do is anything a human would WANT to do.

    Automation is quite expensive. The only reason its done is because you can’t afford to hire enough people, or simply can’t find enough people,to do otherwise. We have dozens of job openings for people at any given time, but even with rampant hiring of Hispanics, Africans, and Asians of all stripes and dubious immigration status, we still can’t get enough.

    Also, robots make for different, and arguably higher paying, jobs. I’m not cheap by any measure, nor am I the only person that tends these (althogh I am the only one writing/modding subroutines). They also have lower level tenders,three different levels of machine operators from simple button-pushers to people performing Total Preventative Maintenance, and they get more than the average line worker as well.

    One of the best ways I heard it was that the invention of the steam engine for pulling mine carts put a lot of ten year old boys out of work who used to push the mine carts instead. But it also gave them the opportunity to do other things, like live to be 11.

    And humans suck at repetitive tasks. Most would lose interest five minutes into stacking metal trays from one place to another, and probably lose fingers ten minutes later as a result. I can replace a gripper pad MUCH easier than a finger, and with no bloodbore pathogen issues either.

    Robots don’t kill jobs per se, they just make other jobs. But Taco Bell is always hiring if you want do do something as boring as a robot does all day, otherwise get a little skill and get better paid as well doing things more interesting and mentally stimulating than flipping a pouch onto a conveyor belt all day.

    Its better for everyone at the end.

  3. Even if such treaty were signed by every nation,
    The ONLY nations that would obey its strictures
    would be the USA and whatever nations that don’t
    possess robotic weapons.

    The only reason this idea is being brought forward
    is that the other nations realize that an imbecile
    resides in the WH and that congress is bullied by
    a handful of communist pigs.

  4. Autonomous killer robots were deployed in Libya to attack a specific militia group. The robots did come from any Western nation, Russia or China; they were provided by Turkey.

    These things are fast becoming cheap and readily available and the really low end models are going to be very good at distinguishing between combatant and civilians.

    There is talk of the Arabs deploying drones with recognition software against Israel. These automatic killing machines will be set to only goes after Jews.


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