Nazi Mosques in America – IOTW Report

Nazi Mosques in America

FrontPage/It was another Friday night in the Islamic Center of Jersey City. And its imam, Sheikh Aymen Elkasaby, had some thoughts about the Jews.

“So long as the Al-Aqsa Mosque remains a humiliated prisoner under the oppression of the Jews, this nation will never prevail,” he screamed belligerently in the World Trade Center bomber’s old mosque.

“Count them one by one, and kill them down to the very last one. Do not leave a single one on the face of the Earth.”

“Kill the Jews” is as much a standard at Friday night mosque services as Springsteen’s Born to Run is on Friday night in bars well downwind of the Islamic Center of Jersey City. But the politicians who stop by the mosques before elections have to pretend that they’re shocked at all the gambling going on.

The Islamic Center of Jersey City’s  president had been a member of the New Jersey Homeland Security Interfaith Advisory Council. Senator Cory Booker had invited him as a guest to the State of the Union and praised him as an example “of how the diversity of America makes us all better.”

Was his imam calling the Jews “apes and pigs” really making us all better? And if the Islamic Center of Jersey City wasn’t making America better with its diversity, then just maybe neither was Senator Cory Booker, the Democrats and their entire Islamic immigration program.

The diversity bus had taken a wrong turn on the road to Utopia and ended up in Nazi Germany

Senator Booker demanded that the mosque disavow its imam and the mosque’s president gaslit the media by claiming that his imam had the wrong idea about Islam and had been misunderstood.

It’s a commonplace misunderstanding.  more here

6 Comments on Nazi Mosques in America

  1. I mentioned here that we recently moved. Our old home was in a nice area tucked away from all the traffic. Sometime around 2000 a church moved into an unused and no longer needed for agricultural purposes building about 1/8th a mile down the road. They grew their congregation and about a decade later the church bought a larger property a couple miles away and put up a purpose built church.

    About 6-12 months later, Al-Aqsa moved into the old agricultural building and set up a mosque. About 18 months ago Al-Aqsa started to demolish the agricultural building and a small house on the property to make way for a new mosque/community center. Keep in mind this is surrounded by houses, not businesses but because of the old farm zoning it is perfectly acceptable.

    We moved into our new home about 5 months ago. The mosque was still under construction at the time, maybe 75% complete. I don’t have any desire to go back around the old neighborhood, but being only about 35 miles away we occasionally find our way back. My wife said she stopped by one of the old grocery stores yesterday. She saw something there she had never seen before around the area, we lived there nearly 20 years.

    It was 5 women wearing hefty bags with little eye slits. My wife was enraged, disgusted, etc. she couldn’t believe there was full on sharia oppression going on around there. Right away she concluded the Al-Aqsa Mosque must be complete and was happy we left the area.

    Here’s a link to the mosque if anyone’s interested, google street view shows the way the property originally looked and what they’ve built.

  2. Why is islam, with all its hate, satan worship, crimes, treason, sedition, misinformation, threats to our safety, economy, and future, allowed to expand in America? If a Catholic priest hinted that his parishioners should vote pro life, the forces of the Main Stream Media, Academia, and the US government would come down on his church.

  3. So, the “really fake news” “German” socialists want to get the minds right of some American socialists? Well, I!… think I’m gonna’ take a nap. Wake me if either side runs out of supplies. Or targets, and starts harassing the rest of us, again.

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