NBA Player Calls White Player a ‘B**** A** White Boy.’ – IOTW Report

NBA Player Calls White Player a ‘B**** A** White Boy.’

A black sportscaster with integrity calls out the black player.

22 Comments on NBA Player Calls White Player a ‘B**** A** White Boy.’

  1. Sports?

    Is that still a thing?

    They don’t let kids play them anymore. They don’t let high school or college play anymore.
    You’ve lost your farm system that brings up the next generation.

    You’ve surrendered ‘love of the game’ to ‘fortune and fame’. But that is fleeting. Especially with the finger wagging and virtue signaling and now….open racism. Against the few whites left in the league.

  2. Oh no! He called someone a name? Call the police, call the fbi, goodness gracious this can’t go on. We have become such a nation of pussies it’s unbelievable.

  3. My mother had a nephew who played briefly in the NBA in the Sixties. (I never met the guy so I cant really call him a cousin) And when the Suns came to town they sold ownership shares to doctors and chiropractors. So my Dad owned a tiny piece of the Suns.

    I saw both Wilt Chamberlain and Bill Russel play in the “Madhouse on McDowell” My oldest brother was a NBA fanatic; the last home game of the first season he and I snuck into the game and worked our way to the front row

    And I tell you this because nowadays you couldn’t get me to watch a 10 second highlight of the Suns or the NBA if you put a gun to my head. And that was my attitude five years ago concerning the freak show that the Suns and the NBA had become

  4. Just imagine the nuclear fallout if a white player (one of the 10 of them in the NBA) said “Bitch ass black boy”.

    It would be apocalyptic, but a thug acting like a thug, that is just another day to the National Black Assholes…

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